The mind-brain syntax

r. Joe Dispenza says, ‘Mind is the brain in action.”

We have three brains, the neocortex which is the newest, the most evolved and highly specialised in human beings, the limbic brain which regulates internal chemical order and the cerebellum, the seat of the subconscious mind and the oldest brain. All these brains are together made up of a hundred billion neurons.

”The neocortex loves to gather information. Every time you learn something new you make new synaptic connections…your brain physically changes. Nerve cells that fire together, wire together and as you collect information, you biologically wire that into your cerebral architecture. Remembering is maintaining and sustaining the synaptic connections made by learning. Just like any relationship, the more you communicate, the more bonded you become,” says Dispenza.

An idea, a concept , a memory, an experience, an action sparks of a set of neurons. The connection between them forms the neural network which have an electrochemical component. Dispenza says, “We have a hundred billion neurons seamlessly placed together…we can make the brain fire in different sequences, combinations, patterns. And every time we change the sequences or patterns, we are changing our mind…Routine lulls the brain to sleep…when you are in the midst of experience and you felt altered internally, you paid attention to whatever or whoever and that in itself is called memory.”

Dispenza explains his contention with an example. If you are reading a book on forgiveness and compassion and really practising it, till, “Your spouse calls you up and reminds you to join for your mother-in-law’s dinner…and then you remember how she hurt you so many years ago…you think of your mother-in-law, whom you have been disliking for so many years, the circuits that you had fired all these years light up and reinforce your old behaviours. Every place where one neuron connects with another is called a memory…When you start behaving as you thought you should, you are teaching your body emotionally to understand what your mind understood intellectually. Knowledge is for the mind, experience is for the body. When we begin to experience compassion, we are embodying knowledge. The word is becoming flesh and the limbic brain is preparing a new batch of peptides and signal to the body and you begin to change your genetic expression. And epigenetically we signal genes from the environment. And you are changing the fabric of you…When you do this over and over again the mind memorises compassion. When the body knows it as well as the mind, then the cerebellum, the seat of your subconscious mind makes it become automatic behaviour. When you memorise an internal order, it makes you who you are.”

In this way you can change your life and effect changes in your genes too. A talk worth listening to.