Ataxia Webinair with expert Neurologist Dr Susan Perlman

:slightly_smiling_face: I logged onto this at the time

It was informative and fast moving…Dr Perlman answered preset questions clearly and was easily understood

In November, NAF hosted another “Ask the Expert” webinar with Dr. Susan Perlman to answer your questions about Ataxia. It has been now uploaded to YouTube! You can now watch it on NAF’s channel here: Ask the Ataxia Expert with Dr. Perlman - November 2022 - YouTube


Nice post!!! I currently watched about 10 minutes and most of the questions seem to be dealing with genetics of folks who know their type of Ataxia. Maybe it changes later into the discussion. I for one have never been tested for a specific type. She did answer a question about exercise though early in the discussion. She feels that most benefit will come from folks exercising from the core down and also doing balance exercises. For those who don’t know, the core is basically the stomach area - do a Google search.

Nevertheless, a good discussion. Check it out. :grinning:


Happy Holidays and thank you for posting this, Beryl! The Ask the Expert webinars were how I found Dr. Perlman last year and she’s now my neurologist who treats my ataxia so I feel incredibly blessed about that. In addition to the webinar Beryl mentioned, all of the previous Ask the Expert webinars can be found here on the NAF site (as well as other helpful topics) if you scroll down. [Webinars - National Ataxia Foundation] The Dietary Considerations of Ataxia was a good webinar too, found near the bottom of the list. I am thrilled to say that after testing borderline in a celiac panel and being on a strict gluten free diet since August, my ataxia symptoms have reduced dramatically, so if anyone is still searching for a cause of their ataxia, I would strongly suggest having your blood drawn for a simple celiac panel test to rule that out. Not only have my ataxia symptoms reduced overall by about 90-95%, my seizures have stopped completely, which is nothing short of a miracle. We still won’t know yet for a few more months to a year if what I have is gluten ataxia, but since I’m showing such huge improvements, it is quite likely. I feel like I am getting my life back and for that I’m so grateful. I truly do hope that 2023 is a great year for everyone!


:slightly_smiling_face: Wonderful news…I’m so happy for you

:slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for mentioning the useful Webinairs

:christmas_tree:Merry Christmas :kissing_heart:

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Thank you so much, Beryl!
And thank you too, for all you do to help those of us with ataxia–the info that you provide is so helpful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Wishing you a beautiful Christmas too and a New Year full of blessings! :christmas_tree: :snowman_with_snow:

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