Falling backwards

has anyone of you experienced falling backwards?

For me it was the first thing that happened with me after damage to my cerebellum.

it is like a magnet is pulling me back from my waist to my head.

I don't fall often but the last time I did it surprised me... I had no idea I was falling until I was almost to the ground. I fell sort of backwards and to the right. I'm very scared of falling and always hang onto things when I walk, or I use my wheelchair.... I'm a real coward that way!

I quite often fall backwards
My problem to make sure I do not
I use any aid such as rails,wheelchairs etc
Good luck

Not yet but when i turn my head my body wants to follow through and fall in that direction,so far i have not landed on the ground.I'm still learning to think before i make sudden moves...take care folks!

Sometimes when I am standing I do feel like their is a force trying to knock me back,thankfully I don't fall I may step back,this in annoying when climbing stairs.

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I have fallen several times and most of the time, it is backwards. Most of the time when I fall, it's because I have made a sudden move or turn. I also have to hold on to things or use a walker when I am walking. Hope this helps you. Good Luck.

At,first I just stumbled or would lose my balance when turning a corner or turning around. Also if I leaned or bent over I might just keep going. It seemed to be getting worse, when I was in the bathroom one morning, the end of Jan. this year. I was opening the door and I leaned back to keep the door from hitting me. I went over backwards,and my head hit the floor. I saw stars for the first time in my life. Fortunately, it was more or less a clear path and I didn't hit anything else. I went to the doctor soon after that and it's been all test and no results since. I have also gone downhill as far as getting around. I used a cane for several months successfully, but now need a walker to get around. I've had a couple of more bad falls since that first one. One, I left the cane on the machine at Curves so was w/o any support. I sat down in the floor but fell over backward and hit my head on the foot stob of the next machine. The last incident, I was using a cane. I had the cane in my right hand while I was turning left. I lost my balance and went over and hit the back of my head again. My daughter says I had the cane in the wrong hand at that time. Shortly after that I started using the walker all the time on the advice of both family doctor and neurologist. I know I can not get by with only a cane now. The end of September a cane was sufficient. That is how fast things have deteriorated. (I wanted to say progressed,but there is no progression unless it is downhill.)


Yes I too fall backwards regularly. I found that if I want to go to the side or forwards, the movement must not be sudden ever. And it helps a lot if you are not carrying anything. I have a sort of table pusher for putting things on. Physio can get you one.

I know not many of you have much faith in physio. But more and more physiotherapists are attending courses on ataxia. Marcus (NHS) has shown me how to fall forwards against a wall or something similar, by bending my arms not holding them rigid. I fall backwards when something is in the way and I havent noticed it. We have banned all clutter and our home is now pretty minimalist! Robert, my husband, drills into me that when I want/need to move I MUST concentrate. Hope this helps
love and light

granny h said:

At,first I just stumbled or would lose my balance when turning a corner or turning around. Also if I leaned or bent over I might just keep going. It seemed to be getting worse, when I was in the bathroom one morning, the end of Jan. this year. I was opening the door and I leaned back to keep the door from hitting me. I went over backwards,and my head hit the floor. I saw stars for the first time in my life. Fortunately, it was more or less a clear path and I didn't hit anything else. I went to the doctor soon after that and it's been all test and no results since. I have also gone downhill as far as getting around. I used a cane for several months successfully, but now need a walker to get around. I've had a couple of more bad falls since that first one. One, I left the cane on the machine at Curves so was w/o any support. I sat down in the floor but fell over backward and hit my head on the foot stob of the next machine. The last incident, I was using a cane. I had the cane in my right hand while I was turning left. I lost my balance and went over and hit the back of my head again. My daughter says I had the cane in the wrong hand at that time. Shortly after that I started using the walker all the time on the advice of both family doctor and neurologist. I know I can not get by with only a cane now. The end of September a cane was sufficient. That is how fast things have deteriorated. (I wanted to say progressed,but there is no progression unless it is downhill.)

Yes I can identify with all these responses - particularly the feeling of falling backwards when standing still. I tend to lean forward to compensate and then fall sideways - broke my wrist twice!

Walking is okay looking straight ahead but as soon as I turn my head, I lose my balance. I have to stop to look!


definitely; backwards, frontwards, sidewards. It's all the same for me. I just have to learn to slow down, stay focus and concetrate before I walk. I've have been known to be standing and all of a sudden I just tip out of the blue.

We all seem to fall backwards and other directions
I firmly believe it is up to us as ataxians to take
Responsibility for our actions and using whatever aids available to

Prevent falling!

Falling is too easy for us ataxians and unexplainable to non ataxians so avoid it totally 100%

I don't fall backward but my body goes forward and I cannot control it.it gets rigid and then I fall on my face. I have fallen 21 times in the past several years. I have had 6 neurilogists and not one of them can explain what is wrong with me. One once did tell me he thought that I have Epsiode Ataxia but then changed his mind and said it was not definite. I can barely walk alone at times. It seems the body going forward is happening more frequent now. Does anyone else have this problem?

Yes, I've fallen backwards, most recently I fell in my kitchen (on my tush) and have a hairline fracture of my pelvis. Falling is definitely not my idea of a good time...ha! I used to fall more gracefully and wouldn't hurt myself. The last couple times, not so much, as I was out and about and hurt my back (started using a cane after that fall) and now my pelvis (obviously, I wasn't using my cane that time, as I was in my home). It happened so fast both times. I'm up and then down...,ha! So now I'm REALLY careful!!! When your balance is compromised with ataxia, you have to be! You have to concentrate on every move! I've learned the hard (and painful) way, and am working on my learning curve..., ;o)

I have ea2. And find that if I’m in a rush or hurry to move or reach things my already poor balance is compromised. Falling is no longer a part of my daily life…this is simply due to slower more methodical movements…frustrating at times…but safe nonetheless :slight_smile:

Hi Bruno, I don't fall backwards either but either forwards or to my right or a combination! Its annoying and very embarassing! I have undiagnosed Ataxia, they are still doing tests. I first noticed something was wrong about 4/5 years ago since then I've changed Neurologists as the one I got lumbered with at first kept telling me I had Benign familiar Hyportonia which was obviously not right, I'm happy with my Neurologist now he's done molre for me including tests and we're getting closer I believe. I have a slightly smaller than normal cerebellum but this has not changed, mild downbeat nystagmus and absolutely horrible balance. My Neuro is thinking my Ataxia is hereditery and either CA or SCA type to be confirmed.

Where are you Bruno? Just I'd recommend my Neuro, try the Newcastle Ataxia centre. They are good and very nice. They are helping me with getting a diagnosis and managing my ataxia.

Taryn Cotton said:

Hi Bruno, I don't fall backwards either but either forwards or to my right or a combination! Its annoying and very embarassing! I have undiagnosed Ataxia, they are still doing tests. I first noticed something was wrong about 4/5 years ago since then I've changed Neurologists as the one I got lumbered with at first kept telling me I had Benign familiar Hyportonia which was obviously not right, I'm happy with my Neurologist now he's done molre for me including tests and we're getting closer I believe. I have a slightly smaller than normal cerebellum but this has not changed, mild downbeat nystagmus and absolutely horrible balance. My Neuro is thinking my Ataxia is hereditery and either CA or SCA type to be confirmed.

Where are you Bruno? Just I'd recommend my Neuro, try the Newcastle Ataxia centre. They are good and very nice. They are helping me with getting a diagnosis and managing my ataxia.

I live in Severna Park, Maryland

Yes Rose, Amen to concentrate on every move. Every now and then I think I'm normal and I lose that concentration.

How does everyone else manage in the shower? I keep my feet firmly planted in one place and often lean on the shower wall. My MIL had a shower chair which I tried to use while she was living and it was there anyway. I felt that it was not a help to me. Perhaps it was too wide for our shower. I saw one in a catalog that is only a stool and the top rotates. This looks like something that would be useful. Expensive though!

PT has been out twice. He's working on strengthening my leg muscles and today had me work on some balance exercises. OT is supposed to come out anytime now. I am hoping they can help me with making some changes here to make some everyday routines less challenging.

My wife who has ataxia has fallen many times over the years, and always backwards. I have witnessed some of these falls and been lucky enough a few times to break her fall. On the few occasions I wasn't around, she has had a burst fracture of her L1 area, bruised ribs, a cut face, and a bruised liver. These have all led to trips to the ER. I did make one adjustment that has helped with her falls. She uses a Rollator 4 wheel walker in the house. I lowered the handles so she has to lean more forward when she walks.


Bruno It sounds like you have not been fully diagnosed. 6 nero docs and they still aren't sure? Have you been to a Dr. attached to a medical school. Most of the garden variety nero docs don't know much, if anything about ataxia. I hope you have at least had a MRI of your cerebellum.
I'm wondering how they treat an ailment they don't understand.