Rare Disease UK Parliamentary Reception events for Rare disease Day 2016

Plans for this year’s Rare Disease Day events are well underway. There will be parliamentary receptions in all four of the home countries – you can register to attend these now.

Welsh Reception – hosted by Darren Millar AM

When: 6pm to 8pm, Tuesday 23 February 2016

Where: National Assembly for Wales - The Senedd Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF99 1NA

To find out more about the event, or to register, please click here.

Scottish Reception – hosted by Malcolm Chisholm MSP

When: 6pm to 8pm, Tuesday 1 March 2016

Where: The Garden Lobby of the Scottish Parliament – Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH99 1SP

To find out more about the event, or to register, please click here.

Westminster Reception – hosted by Liz Kendall MP

When: 12.30pm to 3pm, Wednesday 2 March 2016

Where: House of Commons, Terrace Marquee – St Margarets Street London SW1A 0AA

To find out more about the event, or to register, please click here.

In addition to these receptions we are collaborating on a number of events across the country with the National Institute for Health Research’s Rare Disease Translational Research Collaboration (NIHR RD-TRC).
