Standing up after bending down and legs getting weaker

I wasn’t going to reply because this thread is good from what I’m reading. But I would like to add my 2 cents. As far as I can see, people [including all healthy doctors] KNOW ONLY WHAT THEY PERSONALLY KNOW. Doctors know the underlying reasons why people get sick but they really can’t understand what a person feels because of the above. Doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go to them but you know your body better than them if you know what I mean.

My Nystagmus really interferes with my depth perception. So I completely understand cross-eyes’ post. But I completely doubt that any healthy person would understand.

I remember as a young child jumping up and down on a bed’s mattress. If I tried it now, I would need someone to call an ambulance because I would wind up on the floor with a broken something.

You should read this thread Good day, bad day