Standing up after bending down and legs getting weaker

Good for you Mike. However, I think that if you can do more it wouldn’t hurt. Can you do any treadmill? I’m talking walking not running - balance issues? I also think that a proper workout should include some sort of weight [resistance] strength training as well. Naturally, you must start slow and progress from there. Go as far as your body will let you and then back-down a little so you’re comfortable and safe.

I was looking forward to a professional sports career if it worked out. Although a lot of luck is needed also. Nevertheless, I have always been active all my life so if that tells you something, then so be.

I experience what you posted about. Just want you to know that although we might have arrived on different ships, we’re all in the same boat. Good luck buddy and keep coming back here because you never know and we DO understand.

This was my introductory post. Maybe something there will resonate with you.