James E. Harnest, I think every word you say is too true. It has occured to me that, at least part of this is because I am comfortable in my home.
Marjorie - It is the same for me whether I am inside our out. I think part of it is a physical problem but I think some of it our subconscious. I think inside we know in the back of or minds that there are things around us to grab onto if we need and outside it is not that way. Only you and your doctor can figure out the solution.
Kay said:
Marjorie - It is the same for me whether I am inside our out. I think part of it is a physical problem but I think some of it our subconscious. I think inside we know in the back of or minds that there are things around us to grab onto if we need and outside it is not that way. Only you and your doctor can figure out the solution.
I feel that with ataxia u get used to your environment and become comfortable so ur home is your comfort zone. Stepping out of ur zone takes effort and u won’t adapt unless u do a certain activity over and over again.
Thanks guys I am reading walking with ataxia web site he got back on his feet when we travel I am o k I am going to make myself everyday go out who's with me////////////////////
So glad to know I'm not the only one that does this. I have actually thought a lot of times that people must think I'm using my cane or scooter for sympathy when I'm outside of the house. I don't use anything in the house unless my back is bothering me bad that day... but once outside the door? Totally different story. The thing is, I was not always like this. It seems , for me, that it's happening more as I progress and get worse, than it did in the beginning like others have said. Of course, I've never been normal so ....... lol
I decided today tht I am going out a couple of times a day are you in?