-Balance Vest from Motion Therapeutics -

Welcome to Motion Therapeutics, Inc.

where our revolutionary BalanceWear® technology is treating balance problems, one step at a time.

After 10 years of research, this non-invasive, immediately effective therapeutic treatment for balance problems is now available. BalanceWear is a new treatment option for a wide variety of neurologic and orthopedic balance disorders including MS balance problems, Parkinson’s Disease and balance disorders, Ataxia and balance, Stroke and balance issues, spinal disc dysfunction and more.



Clever stuff. There was a time when I felt like a balloon bobbing on the end of a string!

One of these vests might have helped.

I think this is really interesting, I have requested more information from the website . You mentioned that the vests were mentioned at the conference, has anyone on here tried one or been assessed ? I have an appointment with Dr Guintiin London first week in July , going to ask if there are any trials or contacts in uk. Keep you posted .


give my regards to Dr. Paulo G, in London (from Alan in Wales)

It would be fantastic to offer these vests to patients with Ataxia (and other rarediseases)

During demostrations in the National Ataxia Foundation conference, in Detroit, it was clear that patients had much improved balance and cordination.

I spoke with Cindy from the company, about them being available in the UK - there seems to be some regional issues that need addressing, but NOT unsurmountable!.

(piics on my flickr account - will post a link)

Hi Alan!

Do you envisage these vests would be available on the NHS,or would they need to

be purchased? If the latter, do you have a ballpark figure of the cost once all

the necessary tests re size/weight etc were completed?

By regional issues, do you mean finding a distributor here who would be able

to carry out the appropriate individual assessments necessary?

This sounds very promising. Mike would definitely be interested in trying one.

Sorry for Delay in replying (Beryl) and all

From memory I think that I was pleasantly surprised at the low(ish) cost - in the context of many medical related goods/items.

regional = yes US / UK / Europe / Global

more accurate advice from Cindy at http://www.motiontherapeutics.com/

wow! This is pretty exciting stuff. I worked with a brilliant very young (just out of school) occupational therapist at OHSU in Oregon several years ago who had me try wearing half pound exercise weights on my ankles to straighten out my walking under stress. It worked amazingly well. I ended up wearing them much of the day. The idea was that the weights slowed down the movement in my legs so my brain could catch up with what they were doing. the weights provided the feedback to my sensory system that otherwise wasn’t there. Ive not tried a vest but even without all the scientific testing, experimenting with this might produce some interesting results. surprisingly, my legs are better now and haven’t had to use the weights for a long time.

Sounds interesting and I wonder how long it would last. Surely it cant last forever, or keep symptoms at bay

I’m in the UK, and I can’t find any information on the site regarding how to obtain this vest outside of the US?

There is a very increasing interest from Global members and indeed other rare conditions that this may benefit.

I have spoke to Cindy (and as said before) there are many issues involved, but NOT impossible to overcome

I have tried the balance vest at the NAF conference and was very surprised at its effectiveness, I even manged to RUN (sort of / in a fashion - note alongside a low wall for steadiness) I was there with Michcelle DeCiantis, and other Ataxians.

And do you feel some improvements when you go up or down stairs?