My balance is off all the time but gets worse if I am tired or sick.
I would imagine it may be partially due to the fact that your brain is now taxed with “yet another” thing that it has to deal with. I am currently reading “My Stroke of Insight”, which tells us what sections of the brain control different things that we think, say, or do.
I do not claim to know/understand all that I read in it, but it is helping me to understand some things.
Hope you experience this issue less often.
I totally relate.
Me too, I also feel like that. And, when I sit too long in one position, like now on the laptop (but not
actually balanced on it) everything seems to stiffen and lock, when I stand up I stagger unbalanced,
not an elegant look! xB
I also get more imbalanced and my legs stuck if I sit more time for driving or in front of computer.
Beryl Park said:
Me too, I also feel like that. And, when I sit too long in one position, like now on the laptop (but not
actually balanced on it) everything seems to stiffen and lock, when I stand up I stagger unbalanced,
not an elegant look! xB
I thought that was a part of Ataxia. I definitely am worse when I overdo during the day and get very tired, I stagger more or worse and even though speech hasn't been a real issue until recently, it has become slurred when I'm too tired. This tends to happen when my children are here to help me and I feel compelled to "work" along side them at what I can do.
When I have a lack of sleep my balance is worse as well that puts my shopping off for a day. Living alone it`s no fun knowing that it will become worse and it`s up to me to end that pain.
Yes, definitely. Also, my impaired speech gets even slower!
I don't know if anybody still irons, I haven't for a while until today. For obvious reasons I now
realise it's probably wiser to ignore this task. Apart from being tiring standing in one spot holding
a heavy iron, it's just plain dangerous. My vacuum cleaner is scratched and chipped along with
skirting boards, ataxia can be very expensive! xB
I have been wondering if there is a cure for the fatigue that seems to accompany ataxia as mentioned when I am out I may manage an hour and then my body becomes a ton weight almost as if i am being drawn down to the ground like a magnet . you may have answered this Question before but I hope you'll have patience and answer it again ...sorry forgot to say I am attack ataxia
Hi attack ataxia!
Apologies if this was meant for someone else. Fatigue overtakes me on occasion when I'm
out and about. It seems this is due to the amount of concentration we have to exert to keep
ourselves safe etc. When I'm in a busy, strange enviroment it can sometimes be overwhelming.
I started Pilates but had to give it up, once down on the floor I felt like a ton weight, I was
exhausted doing the movements, what a disappointment! xB
attack ataxia said:
I have been wondering if there is a cure for the fatigue that seems to accompany ataxia as mentioned when I am out I may manage an hour and then my body becomes a ton weight almost as if i am being drawn down to the ground like a magnet . you may have answered this Question before but I hope you'll have patience and answer it again ...sorry forgot to say I am attack ataxia
I find caffeine helps if people are visiting here, especially to help me but... it makes my kidneys work overtime and I have to get to the loo super fast.
Also COQ10 helps me .. I take this in the morning.
However, if I push myself to overcome tiredness, I feel like I am dying [no exaggeration] for at least 24 hours.
If I sit too long and forget I have to get up slowly, I just drop back in my seat .. time to find my sense of humour!
Patsy x
Yes! Heavy as if if a giant magnet is pulling you into the ground. Or like you're wearing an old fashioned dive suit.
attack ataxia said:
I have been wondering if there is a cure for the fatigue that seems to accompany ataxia as mentioned when I am out I may manage an hour and then my body becomes a ton weight almost as if i am being drawn down to the ground like a magnet . you may have answered this Question before but I hope you'll have patience and answer it again ...sorry forgot to say I am attack ataxia
Although I have balance problems 24/7, they are worse when ill or tired. I also get very stiff when sitting. For instance, if I'm in a restaurant, finish eating, and go to stand up, I usually hold onto the edge of the table for a couple minutes to get my bearings. Then I grab my cane and start to walk, albeit I am a bit shaky when I start out. Also, after sitting in the car and driving or as a passenger, I experience the same stiffness and shakiness getting out and standing. I certainly can relate to others comments. I usually drink a cup or two of hot tea in the morning and a glass of ice tea in the afternoon. Seems to give me a bit more energy, although I do rest if need be and try to get ample sleep. I hear you Patsy, as the problem with tea (caffeine) is it goes right through me...,ha! ;o)
The kind of fatigue some of you describe used to happen to me in the earlier years. I ve had this ( ataxia) for over 16 years, and had forgotten about that lead weight feeling. In fact, it was so early on that I didn’t associate with the then somewhat minor balance problems. It went away, maybe because I couldn’t t be so active. I ve been on a walker full time for past 6 years. For the gal on the ironing…I do it twice a year sitting down!!
Beryl Park said:
Me too, I also feel like that. And, when I sit too long in one position, like now on the laptop (but not
actually balanced on it) everything seems to stiffen and lock, when I stand up I stagger unbalanced,
not an elegant look! xB
I'm with you Beryl. My balance is terrible, especially when I'm tired, it gets worse. Also when I'm sitting to long, I tend to stiffen up and when I do get up, I have to remember to stand for a couple minutes to let all the muscles loosen up before moving.
El cansancio parece ser otra clara manifestación de Ataxia. Lo siento diariamente y la única forma de combatirla es en reposo horizontal al menos 1 hora. Cada 4 meses me aplico una fuerte dosis de gamaglobulina, que produce en mi cuerpo una fuerte carga de energía. Hasta he logrado correr 100 mts sin consecuencias!!. El problema es que es caro,pero hasta ahora mi premédica me está cubriendo. Convérselo con su neurólogo!!. Desde Argentina, un abrazo.
Hi Alberto!
Your reply has not been translated into English. I'm sorry but those of us who are not Spanish speaking cannot
read it.
best wishes
Alberto Casellas said:
El cansancio parece ser otra clara manifestación de Ataxia. Lo siento diariamente y la única forma de combatirla es en reposo horizontal al menos 1 hora. Cada 4 meses me aplico una fuerte dosis de gamaglobulina, que produce en mi cuerpo una fuerte carga de energía. Hasta he logrado correr 100 mts sin consecuencias!!. El problema es que es caro,pero hasta ahora mi premédica me está cubriendo. Convérselo con su neurólogo!!. Desde Argentina, un abrazo.I
Hi Debora,
Absolutely!! It is just something we all need to accept and manage daily. I have to plan my day so I'm not on my feet too long and also plan the thinking for the day. I generally don't go out in the evening. My brain is too tired and my balance is difficult too. I had to give up a women's group that I loved, but they only met at night. I find other ways to socialize now. Ahbee