Can't respond

i have been extremely light headed today. for lack of a better term my head wobbles like one of the little animals we used to put in the back window of our car. i have been unable to respond to conversation. i know what to say, i just cannot talk. any suggestions? i need help.

Assuming this is a sudden symptom (head wobbly and no speech) and not slowly developing, you need to see a doctor asap.

I go along with Julie get to a doctor. I deal with this every day but, yours may be from something else.,. so get there and confim it.

my wife got on the phone and called my ears, nose, and throat specialist i had seen last week. to make a long story short, i will have an appt at mayo shortly. the lady who called said i was to see an internist who would refer me to the dept i needed. i trust help is on its way.

Ran said:

I go along with Julie get to a doctor. I deal with this every day but, yours may be from something else.,. so get there and confim it.

So pleased to hear that.. hope help comes very quickly.


As other's have suggested I'd see a doctor right away, especially if these are "new" symptoms! ;o)