Fishoil supplements

Did anyone with Ataxia notice benefits of taking pills of fishoil?

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:slightly_smiling_face: I don’t take it myself but…there have been previous discussions. You can read links by typing ‘fish oil’ into the searchbox (see the icon top right).

I do take fishoil supplement for general health but my balance is no better for it.

Fishoil did nothing for me also.

Fish oil supplements do nothing that improves Ataxia, but I take it daily. Without long walks or swims, which I can’t do, fish oil does promote good heart health. I show the doctors the supplements that I take with instructions to please remove anything not necessary. Fish oil supplements stay on the list.

I used to take them at the recommendation if my optometrist for dry eye, which improved and so did my bone density the year I took them. plan to reinstate this. Read that many discount brands are rancid so I took a more expensive Norwegian fush oil brand. No ataxia improvement.