Coenzyme Q10

I saw this whilst researching SCA3 …has anybody tried coenzyme Q10 and what effect did it have on you…

Spinocerebellar ataxia can lead to disability. Some clinical studies have shown that high dose coenzyme Q10 (300mg or more a day) can help restore body functions in some patients, and slows down the progression of the disease. Considering the relatively low cost of this nutritional supplement and the potential health benefits, I think this is well worth a try.

only on my second month but not sleeping so long during the day.


my wife got me some q10 capsules 200mg daily but unfortunatley i have not seen any benefit

It is said CoQ10 helps but is not a cure. Should help the cells so it slows down. I’ll keep taking it if it slows down my Ataxia even for 5%.

Keep us informed with the results

It’s known that a type of Acquired Ataxia….can be caused by CoQ10 deficiency.

I tried CoQ10 myself some time ago, initially it did give a ‘burst of energy’…but I felt encouraged to over exert, and ultimately felt worse due to fatigue.

It’s just ‘one of those things’ that someone needs to try for themselves…not everybody will feel benefit.

:thinking:I have seen posts…where Neurologists prescribed in the region of 1200mg daily…maybe the person was deficient.