Global Ataxia Awareness - Continues

Podcast 2
Ready for
International #Ataxia Awareness Day - 25th September #IAAD
(23 :zzz: to go)

#Patient Voice is so Important

Did You Know Podcast 002:



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:slightly_smiling_face:These videos give helpful advice to people newly diagnosed​:slightly_smiling_face:xB

My good friends from the US will be compling and sharing these on a regular basis.

There is last years series on YouTube (John Mauro)

Keep checking us Ataxia Awareness campagins at
#IAADWales. and some at #StumbleOntoAtaxia

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:slightly_smiling_face:It’s one thing having information given to you by a Neurologist, who in all likelihood uses medical jargon and is matter of fact​:smirk: And, something else entirely being given information by another patient, or their partner. First hand experience is very helpful​:slightly_smiling_face:xB

What is happening with these emoticons😳

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