Letting hospital kno of condition


I recently had a total knee replacement and made sure that ataxia was written up on my notes. This was done I know but one nurse asked what it was. I spent several laborious minutes trying to explain. I was kept in a side room which I found terrifying. I can normally cope with my SCA but under stress and in pain I started to lose control of my head and speech and my hands wouldn't keep still.

What I really need to know is where I can get hold of a short, succinct summary of the condition that I can have on me all the time?

Try ataxia.org

It almost sounded like the nurses/ doctors mistakenly thought you were contagious and limited how close to others you were placed. Sorry that happened.
This is a great idea (leaflets) for many of us to use, not just for the hospital but for visits to appointments/ other, maybe when someone stares needlessly. It would be a great way to get the word out about Ataxia.
Leaflets could also include a web address with more advanced info.

Thanks twirliegirl. Shall contact Ataxia UK as suggested and post results



Sometimes hospitals place you in rooms where they feel you will have a better experiance with less outside noise and such. The better experiance doesn't always happen obviously but keep in mind that they probably tried to do their best. I know that, since my husband has ataxia, noise and such doesn't effect him at all. I have never seen someone be able to take a nap anywhere. Hospital stays with ataxia are difficult since you are out of your normal environment. Pain and anxiety increase symptoms of ataxia which in turn everyone is acting wierd which makes your stress level go up further. Being a nurse myself, I would find a person with speech difficulties and excess body motion something difficult to ignore which in turn I would try more to assist you....in reality with my husband with ataxia, I have to ignore the sideshow and act like he is the regular inteligent man that he is. Sorry to call ataxia a sideshow but I have come to believe that all the speech and extra movements and falling down are more like an extremely strange change of clothes which doesn't have anything to do with the person under them.

I recently had eye surgery under local anaesthetic. It was straightforward, no problems
until just after when I waited in recovery. It must have been stress induced, I began to
feel exhausted, really tired and lethargic. My surgeon knew about the Ataxia and was
very considerate throughout but it was a very busy department and I was glad to have
my husband there, nursing staff just didn’t have time to observe everyone individually.

AtaxiaUK can provide a card which states that that person has Ataxia, it describes symptoms
and explains that it’s a Neurological disorder. xB

Thank you Beryl

Beryl Park said:

I recently had eye surgery under local anaesthetic. It was straightforward, no problems
until just after when I waited in recovery. It must have been stress induced, I began to
feel exhausted, really tired and lethargic. My surgeon knew about the Ataxia and was
very considerate throughout but it was a very busy department and I was glad to have
my husband there, nursing staff just didn't have time to observe everyone individually.

AtaxiaUK can provide a card which states that that person has Ataxia, it describes symptoms
and explains that it's a Neurological disorder. xB

Thank you Kit. I must have sounded as though I was criticizing hospital care I didn't mean to, believe me. I just wish I had something available to show anyone who foundit weird. Butseveral posters ave said get in touch with Ataxia UK. Their format has changed since I last posted on their Forum, so have rejoined.

Thank you all

Kit said:

Sometimes hospitals place you in rooms where they feel you will have a better experiance with less outside noise and such. The better experiance doesn't always happen obviously but keep in mind that they probably tried to do their best. I know that, since my husband has ataxia, noise and such doesn't effect him at all. I have never seen someone be able to take a nap anywhere. Hospital stays with ataxia are difficult since you are out of your normal environment. Pain and anxiety increase symptoms of ataxia which in turn everyone is acting wierd which makes your stress level go up further. Being a nurse myself, I would find a person with speech difficulties and excess body motion something difficult to ignore which in turn I would try more to assist you....in reality with my husband with ataxia, I have to ignore the sideshow and act like he is the regular inteligent man that he is. Sorry to call ataxia a sideshow but I have come to believe that all the speech and extra movements and falling down are more like an extremely strange change of clothes which doesn't have anything to do with the person under them.

Two things I've found very helpful.

#1: I always keep a supply of cards that I give to EVERYONE, including health care people. It has my picture, contact and emergency information proper selling and type of ataxia, and a very brief explanation of what ataxia is and looks like.

#2: Prior to seeing a new Neurologist, I sent him this pdf, assuring him that, although it was probably old information to him, I was informed as well. He appreciated the information and not being treated as if he didn't know. He didn't.

Ataxia Classification
Patients often ask the familiar question “What kind of
ataxia do I have?”. This document is intended to
provide patients, families, and their caregivers with
basic information regarding how doctors classify the
different forms of ataxia. Correctly defining the type
of ataxia is an important step in a patient’s evaluation
and can help guide their medical workup, suggest
potential treatment strategies, and even indicate if
appropriate clinical or research studies are available.
Many different terms have been used to describe ataxia
over the years and have fallen out of favor for various
reasons. The terms listed here are ones currently used
by many doctors who treat patients with ataxia.
Ataxia is a neurological symptom seen by your
physician during a physical examination. The
definition of ataxia is a specific problem with balance
and coordination not due to muscular weakness.Ataxia
can be caused by problems in the inner ear or nerve
damage in the legs, but most often ataxia describes
damage to a part of the brain called the cerebellum.
Doctors may also refer to this problem as cerebellar
Cerebellar ataxia is classified by its cause (see Figure
1). Unfortunately there are many causes and the
terminology can become confusing. In general, there
are two main classes of ataxia, acquired and genetic.
Two additional classes of ataxia, idiopathic and
unknown, are also sometimes used. It is not
uncommon for patients to undergo detailed medical
evaluations before their cause is known and their ataxia
can be properly classified.
Acquired ataxia has an external cause, meaning a
person develops it because of something that happens
during their life. This can include many different
problems and events such as vitamin deficiencies,
autoimmune conditions, some infections, exposures to
toxic substances or drugs (especially alcohol), various
cancers, and many many more.Acquired ataxias often
appear “out of nowhere” and the medical term used for
this is sporadic. Unfortunately, ataxias from all other
categories can also occur sporadically, so this term is
not useful to categorize the cause of the ataxia.
Acquired ataxias are important to recognize early
because, in some cases, they may be treatable.
Genetic ataxia has an internal cause, meaning it is due
to inherent damage in a person’s DNA (their “genetic
blueprint”).Aperson’s DNAis made up of 23 pairs of
chromosomes (one pair each from their mother and
their father) containing sets of genes which together
code for all the information which makes a person who
they are. People each have over 20,000 genes and we
now know of many specific examples where damage
to a certain gene causes cerebellar ataxia to develop.
Genetic ataxias often run in families (some doctors
may say it is a hereditary or familial ataxia when this
occurs) but can also be sporadic without a known
family history.
• If an ataxia passes from generation to generation it is
said to be dominant and is due to a single copy of a
defective gene passing from parent to child.
Dominant ataxias are most often seen in adults and
some can get worse each successive generation. The
most well-known dominant ataxias are the
spinocerebellar ataxias (or SCAs) such as SCA1,
SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, and SCA7, which are each
caused by defects in specific genes. SCA3 is the
Figure 1
National Ataxia Foundation
2600 Fernbrook Lane, Suite 119 • Minneapolis, MN 55447-4752
Phone: (763) ■■■■■■■■ • Fax: (763) ■■■■■■■■
Email: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ •Website: www.ataxia.org
most common of these worldwide. Specific genetic
testing is available for many of these diseases.
Because the term “SCA” is so widely associated with
dominant genetic ataxias, it should not be used to
describe a patient with an unknown ataxia (see
• If an ataxia is seen in a single generation (e.g., in
multiple children but not the parents) it is called
recessive and is due to two copies of a defective
gene, one passed from each parent (who are called
carriers) to the child. Often recessive ataxias are
seen in children but can also be seen in adults. The
most common recessive ataxia worldwide is
Friedreich ataxia. Specific gene testing is available
for many of these diseases as well.
• In most cases, genetic ataxias are progressive,
meaning that the symptoms get worse over time.
There are also a few forms with recurrent, or
episodic, ataxia symptoms that often seem to come
and go.
• Ataxia can be inherited in other ways also.
Mitochondrial ataxias pass from mother to child
through the defective mitochondria in the mother’s
eggs. X-linked ataxias are caused by a single
defective gene on one X-chromosome but are often
only seen in males (or are more severe) because
women have two X-chromosomes while men only
have one.
As more and more ataxia genes are discovered, more
and more genetic tests become available. In some cases
it may be useful to test a patient for problems in a single
gene, or even a select few genes. Because many genetic
ataxias can look alike (and other rare genetic diseases
can sometimes look like a genetic ataxia) more
extensive testing may be needed. Recently it has
become possible to examine all the genes in a patient at
once (this process is called “whole exome sequencing”)
and your doctor may suggest this. If genetic testing is
being suggested, it is always important to understand
the type of test being offered and what its potential
benefits and shortcomings are to your condition.
Idiopathic ataxia is a term used when doctors can
identify a specific kind of ataxia but don’t yet
understand medically or scientifically why a person
developed it. Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is the
most common of these. Idiopathic ataxias are often
sporadic. Many scientists and physicians suspect that
these types of ataxia have a combination of internal
and external causes, meaning certain gene problems
and certain life events are acting together, but this is
still under investigation.
Unknown ataxia is a term used when, despite all
possible testing, the cause of ataxia remains
undetermined. Unknown ataxias are usually sporadic
but could also describe familial ataxia if the affected
gene is not known. Eventually, as doctors learn more
about the different kinds of ataxia, it is hoped that all
patients with unknown ataxias will be definitively
assigned into one of the other categories.
It is very important for all patients with ataxia to seek
proper medical care. Often this may include a visit to
a specialist with expertise in neurology, neurogenetics,
medical genetics, or a related field. Youmay
be asked to have an MRI of your brain and various
blood tests. Patients with a known or suspected genetic
ataxia may also be asked to meet with a genetic
counselor. Patients with all forms of ataxia could be
asked to participate in research so doctors can better
understand the disease and learn new information to
help others.
The National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) is committed
to providing information and education about ataxia,
services to individuals affected with various forms of
ataxia, and promoting and funding research to find
more causes, better treatments, and, hopefully
someday, cures. NAF can help by providing
information for you, your family, and your physician
about ataxia. Please visit the NAF website at
www.ataxia.org for additional information, including a
listing of ataxia support groups, physicians who treat
ataxia, online chat groups, social networks, and more.
For additional questions please contact the NAF
directly using the information listed below.
The National Ataxia Foundation is grateful to Brent L. Fogel, MD, PHD

267-AtaxiaClassifications.pdf (189 KB)

Thanks Schuman that was veery useful.


I do not have my wallet at hand to check the details, but I made myself a credit card sized information card for such eventualities!

On one side the card has;

  1. A photo of me in portrait
  2. Contact phone numbers (I do not think it wise to leave my address in my wallet)
  3. Headers about my conditions - Ataxia and Fibromyalgia
  4. 'Please see reverse'

The other side has headers and basic effects of my conditions;

  1. Ataxia - may appear drunk when not, unsteady or unbalanced, dis-coordinated etc
  2. Fibromyalgia - photosensitive, migraine, muscle pain etc

Of course, these are examples and you can adjust as needed.

I made the cards in a word processor, printed them, cut them out, lightly stuck them together (my printer was unable to print on both sides of paper and 'double feeding was awkward') and laminated them to make one card. It was a bit awkward getting the cards just right with enough information printed well and to the right size but it worked.

If you are not easy making a card yourself with a computer you could maybe ask a friend or family member to help.

I hope this is of some use to those that need a more convenient way to describe their condition(s).

Kind regards,


Thank you very much Michael S-J

Michael said:


I do not have my wallet at hand to check the details, but I made myself a credit card sized information card for such eventualities!

On one side the card has;

  1. A photo of me in portrait
  2. Contact phone numbers (I do not think it wise to leave my address in my wallet)
  3. Headers about my conditions - Ataxia and Fibromyalgia
  4. 'Please see reverse'

The other side has headers and basic effects of my conditions;

  1. Ataxia - may appear drunk when not, unsteady or unbalanced, dis-coordinated etc
  2. Fibromyalgia - photosensitive, migraine, muscle pain etc

Of course, these are examples and you can adjust as needed.

I made the cards in a word processor, printed them, cut them out, lightly stuck them together (my printer was unable to print on both sides of paper and 'double feeding was awkward') and laminated them to make one card. It was a bit awkward getting the cards just right with enough information printed well and to the right size but it worked.

If you are not easy making a card yourself with a computer you could maybe ask a friend or family member to help.

I hope this is of some use to those that need a more convenient way to describe their condition(s).

Kind regards,
