NHS England seeks Patient and Public Voice members for two key committees (via Rare Disease UK)

NHS England seeks Patient and Public Voice members for two key committees

Patient and Public Voice (PPV) members are being sought for the Clinical Priorities Advisory Group and for the Rare Diseases Advisory Group.

The ultimate role of the Clinical Priorities Advisory Group is to advise NHS England on the commissioning of services. This includes all directly commissioned services: specialised services, GPs, offender healthcare and services for members of the armed forces. The Clinical Priorities Advisory Group has been referred to as "the committee for difficult decisions", as it is here that many of the key decisions about whether or not a service is affordable to NHS England will be thrashed out.

The Rare Diseases Advisory Group will advise the Clinical Priorities Advisory Group about the commissioning of Highly Specialised Services. These are services for very small populations, usually around or below 500 people in England. Advice will be formed regarding how and where to commission highly specialised services. The Rare Diseases Advisory Group will also have a role in guiding the implementation of the UK strategy for rare diseases. PPV members of both committees will be equal members of the committee, there to represent the patient, public and carer perspective, and to share responsibility for the decisions made by the committee.

The closing date for applications to both committees is Friday 9th August 2013. You can find out more about the roles and how to apply here.

If you have any questions about the positions, please get in touch with Nick Meade our Policy Analyst at: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■