Rosanne, Australian Ataxia Patient Shares Her Regenerative Treatment Experience

From her thoughts on her stem cell treatment to the members of the clinical staff, Rosanne discusses her stay at the hospital.

Rosanne, from Australia, was diagnosed with Ataxia
Ataxia refers to a lack of muscle coordination when a voluntary movement is made. Patients diagnosed with ataxia have trouble with coordination because parts of their nervous system that control movement and balance are affected. Ataxia often affects, in various patients, the fingers, arms, hands, legs, speech and eye movements

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        ALOT more positive research is needed  ** beware **

It’s always uplifting to hear of good results, and stem cell therapy is a very personal choice since ataxia experts do not condone it.
It’s known to have short term benefits, if any, and is horrendously expensive, needing to be self funded.xB

Although, one has to wonder, that the very intensive physiotherapy that is commonly used in the “so called- therapies” would have the same result if it was used in isolation ??

like I say ** ALOT more Research is needed **

I felt the video was more like a promotion for the company involved🤔xB

Very true, Very true

Promotion / hard sell