Hi ppl I have not posted on here before but joined a while ago.i was diagnosed with sca finally told after 3yrs of 100 mile round trip to neurology dept in Jan that I have some form of this pain in the ass, they not sure which one but told me it’s ressesive type whatever that means. My question is has anyone had any problems with sca and the occasional drink. My wife and I have both noticed that I start sluring my words and looking different after a couple of drinks. I enjoy the occasional tipple but thinking of giving it up altogether if it is going to make it worse.
People who have ‘Acquired Ataxia’ related to alcohol abuse are specifically advised not to drink, or at least limit intake considerably. If diagnosed early enough, this can have a positive affect on ataxia.
For the rest of us, the effect of one drink can vary when you factor in any medication that may be involved Most of us are aware of a particular sensation when alcohol ‘hits the spot’. For me, a few sips of wine can induce a peculiar feeling in my legs
But, for some reason, gin & tonic is better tolerated
Generally speaking, Neurologists advise against drinking alcohol, it can have a disastrous effect on already compromised balance issues. However, most people are ‘reasonably sensible ’ and come to realise what is a safe compromise
I enjoy a drink every so often. Usually from the comfort of my home though, where I and my significant other can monitor my behaviour. Most of the time one drink is all I can handle without negative reaction. I don’t consume nearly as much as I did at one time because it does make me too loopy. I already slur my speech and stumble around like an idiot! I call it “my drunken soberness state”! There is nothing wrong with having a drink to unwind/socialize in my opinion, however, proceed with caution I always say. Drink responsibly and safely. When I go out in public, I seldom consume alcohol because I don’t want to make my condition worse and give off the wrong impression.
I have given up drinking for several reasons. 1. I am dizzy enough all ready. 2. I am unsteady enough all ready. 3. Research has shown that people with Brain injuries are more likely to develop alcoholism. I figure it is not worth it. The only problem I have is that I usually only tell a person one reason I’m not drinking and I forgot whom I have told what. So, I have no idea why a person thinks I don’t drink.
Thanks for the feedback folks I think the best thing is to give it miss from now on👍
I keep to a quarter of a flute of fizz to join in a toast- otherwise I reckon I walk enough like a drunk already…Enough other people don’t these days anyway
Hi Beryl! I find it interesting that alcohol gives you a peculiar feeling in your legs. For years I’ve been telling my friends and family that I know I’m ‘feeling’ my alcohol because I can feel it in my legs. They’ve laughed it off or dismissed it or tell me I’m ‘weird’. You’re the only other person I’ve heard say this. So thank you! It is not all in my head. Also, I’m still asymptomatic (friends and family are unaware), but I don’t drink anymore - just like you said, my neurologist generally advised against alcohol.
You’re the first person I know who agrees with me Good to know
It was my husband’s birthday a couple weeks ago, I pushed the boat out
I drink wine to relax. I have a glass before I go to bed. Beryl Park I always feel my legs getting heavy anytime I drink alcohol. Your not crazy or alone
As we all have problems that are located in our cerebellum and alcohol works directly on the cerebellum, it doesn’t sound like a good idea to consume alcohol. Why try to exercise and take food supplements to control the damage on one side and ruin the results by exposing your cerebellum to a poison? After all alcohol is a poison, that can cause Ataxia! Of course you can judge for yourself whether the pleasures from a little bit of alcohol are worth the possible damage… Personally I treasure every brain cell I have left.
HI, interesting as I have found that even one glass of wine has now an affect on my balance and walking.I have never been a big drinker but have enjoyed a glass of wine( sometimes 2) but over the last 9 months particularly it has a bad affect on me so have almost given it up entirely. Cranberry juice is good for me and most restaurants sell it so often I order this is now. I was diagnosed with SCA type 6 in 2010 and have found exercise, yoga and diet have helped me greatly. Hope this helps /.
you are 100% right…My paternal grandma and my father suffered sca2 (as I inherited), and they both developed alcoholism. Not sure if they were attempting to mask the symptoms…My grandma earned herself a reputation of a drunk woman, despite her illness and I am quite sure, she started drinking, as she couldn’t cope with it. Sad really.
My late father (cancer got him in the end) was depressed, and had gait issues…In Slovakia, in the small village, people were NOT educated enough and she definitely suffered from societal withdrawal. She used to work with animals, odd hours and completely avoided people…she used to fall a lot. Later on in her early 70s, such weak muscles (I am exercising like mad)she was incontinent, and where she fell, she couldn’t get herself up…My father experienced it more in slurred speech, completely sozzled…But his walking was more affected (no wonder, rarely sober and rarely drove a car sober in a small village, so could get away with it…) I can sincerely say any drink, esp wine - 13% too strong for me, never agreed with me…gin an tonic bearable,but more tonic than gin…and other spirits wouldn’t even try…Abut 5 years ago, the whole family had a xmas meal with an apperitif, good lord I was drunk from one glass…No idea what was on the menu…Never drink on empty stomach, even a sip.These days I only drink 8% wine 1 glass…and shandy (half lemonade/half beer,) a glass.
I was diagnosed with SCA-6 also. I have given up drinking too. Alcohol depresses the function of cerebellum. My cerebellum is already shocked with the Gene-6 mutation that small amount of alcohol does a number on my walking. I am not a drinker but I miss it once in a while. Glad to hear your story of SCA-6, same as mine!
I don’t usually touch alcohol but made an exception at a party for Harry & Meghans Wedding. It was Champagne all the way but I’d initially had a large glass of orange juice and food
HI ,yes I miss the occasional wine also and have just purchased a travel scoter for international travel or around NZ as my walking and balance has got worse in spite of a couple of gym sessions per week, aqua aerobics and yoga once a week .Downhill or slopes are tricky and uneven surfaces also.Just need to be careful and take every day as it comes and be positive.Take care