hey guys, past couple of times i have been out drinking with mates i have only had one and then i have come over feeling all dizzy and had to go home...does alcohol affect anyone else with episodic ataxia type 2?
the weord thing tho is i can have a couple of drinks at my house and another relatives house and not feel ill i dont no weather it is coz i feel more comfortable drinking at some ones house or what...
My personal opinion is, I dont think it is the drink - I get that feeling which I think is anxiety attack. It happens whenever I am out of my comfort zone. It doesnt often happen whilst I am there but when I get home.
I used to be awake all night with this feeling of 'fright' but I had counselling and now use hypnotherapy cd's.
Have had them for years and used to think it was a food intolerance like salt, cream or even champagne but it is just anxiety.
Gave up 10 years ago .Wasnt a heavy drinker but the first few months were a bit of a struugle.Dont miss it now,much cheaper.Feels a bit odd at parties but best thing is you dont get a hang over the next day and you know your ataxia is not
your fault.Go places you feel comfortable with.Got sober before diagnosis of ataxia.I know it is hard .
I discovered, that in my case, it's what Patsy said… panic or anxiety attacks. We're all different; I have FA, but there are many FAers that enjoy partying and drinking. But whenever I do it, even 1 beer, I begin sweating, feeling dizzy, dropping utensils, spilling my drink when I pick it up. It compounds as paranoia tells me that everyone is staring at me.
When drinking alone at home, I don't have that. However, my Ataxia symptoms worsen with alcohol. I'm not a big fan of Ataxia, so I figured, "what's the point?". So I focused myself on other endeavors.
If you don't get these anxiety symptoms from alcohol, and you enjoy drinking with others, have fun with it. But if your body resists it and you get no pleasure from it, look for other activities. That's just my opinion. Good luck!
I have ataxia too, and I was told by every dr to not drink!! When people drink the alcohol goes to the cerabellum and does to reg people what happens to us all the time!! DO NOT DRINK!!!
I'm finding this conversation really interesting I have had Ataxia since 18 mths old probably caussed by a virus but not firmly dianosed. Unlike most of the posts I find alcohol does lesser my shakes so much that I can carry my own drink, not wobble on heels and my gait seems less.........usually after 2 pints. Saying that if I have had a really busy day at work or I'm tired I'm not so good, I guess it's all down to my state of mind at the time. Again really interesting how Ataxia affects each one of us differently.
Be very careful with the drinking. My doctors believe that my drinking is a major factor in my ataxia. For some reason, some people's cerebellums (cerellebelli?) are more affected by drink than others, just like some people's livers are more prone to damage than others. I quit drinking and my ataxia's progress has slowed considerably. I hope this helps.
i was a heavy drinker,but cut down alot as the medication im on for my Rhumatiod Arthris did not mix well!!!! I have never been told not to drink because of my Ataxia.ps do feel better because of the serious cutback on drinking and saving money!!!!!! Lorraine
Marie Turner said:
HI Stacy
Gave up 10 years ago .Wasnt a heavy drinker but the first few months were a bit of a struugle.Dont miss it now,much cheaper.Feels a bit odd at parties but best thing is you dont get a hang over the next day and you know your ataxia is not
your fault.Go places you feel comfortable with.Got sober before diagnosis of ataxia.I know it is hard .
I have cerebellar ataxia. My doctor also says that my drinking was a major factor. Quit drinking three years ago(after being diagnosed). Progress has slowed, but "damage" is done.
david l pandorf said:
Be very careful with the drinking. My doctors believe that my drinking is a major factor in my ataxia. For some reason, some people's cerebellums (cerellebelli?) are more affected by drink than others, just like some people's livers are more prone to damage than others. I quit drinking and my ataxia's progress has slowed considerably. I hope this helps.
Before I started using I cane, I entered a small shop in town. The owner tried to keep me from coming in, saying "You can't come in hear if you're drunk." I don't drink.
Now that I've been using a cane when I walk, I don't get accused on drunk walking.
I had always been a social drinker only (a little wine a couple times a year), but since being diagnosed with sporadic cerebellar ataxia (8 years ago) I hardly ever drink socially as my speech becomes more slurred and my gait is worse. If I do I just have a bit of wine as the consequences definitely aren't worth it with ataxia!!!
i wouldn't drink. but if you have to just sip on a wine spritzer. don't finish the drink. i prefer to smoke and i checked out uses for and one reason is for neurological and movement disorders. maybe my doc isn't telling me something.
thank you for all your messages they have really helped alot....i think i was worrying abit when i was drinking the other day coz i was scared i had to walk home on my own coz theres been a mugging around my area,
so maybe part of it was anxiety or something, or i just didnt feel comfortable..
i dont drink much anyway i never have done,
but i do like a drink now and again tho as im only 22 years old and want to enjoy myself and do what my mates do and half of my mates dont understand bout ataxia anyway.
but i suppose i will just have to take it day by day and see how i am nxt time i drink
Drinking doesn't effect me really, I don't really drink except for the coffee I had this evening that spilled all over my cable box that shortede out the cable.
My ataxia made my hand shake, I was next to the TV...
Because Ataxia affects balance it would seem sensible not to drink. The alcohol also kills brain cells. My husband has been told not to drink by the Doctors but still enjoys a drink of whisky nearly every day as he says it makes him feel better. I have to watch that he doesn't over do it as he soon ends up on the floor! I have to leave him there until he has sobered up. Give a thought for the carer.
For me drinking alchohol in moderation has been okay. When I first saw my Neurologist back in 2010 he asked how much alchohol I drank weekly. My intake of alchohol per week works out at roughly 1 pint a day. He told me to stop drinking altogether which I did do for about a year and found no difference at all. I enjoy the odd pint of cider now and then and I have no intentions now to stop. I may be wrong but I got the impression from my Neurologist that alchohol must be the cause of my ataxia. After discussing this with my own doctor she seemed rather annoyed that the Nerologist could make such an assumption as I have no past history of alchohol abuse. I still drink alchohol in moderation and still find no negative difference at all.
I stopped drinking alcohol 7 years ago after I was diagnosed with SCA. I was told by my Dr. that alcohol goes right to the cerebellum when we drink any. He said for people that have ataxia and their cerebellum is degenerating, alcohol would exacerbate brain cell death. Some cells will be replaced but others are just lost. He asked when I drink alcohol; do I notice my symptoms being worse? He said if I do then it's definitely not good to do it at all if I'm trying maintain what I have.
For me, I figure that if I'm watching and monitoring the foods that I eat to keep my body and brain healthy, why would I do anything that could potentially undo what I'm trying to do. I stay away from refined sugars and alcohol since alcohol is simply liquid sugar. Refined sugar causes inflammation in the body, joints and brain. I feel alcohol is like a toxin to my body so I'm just fine without it, thank you. It's really not that hard to refrain from having it. I don't care about peer pressure or all those commercials I see pushing sugary drinks and foods. I choose to control and decide what I eat and drink since I am the one that has to live with the consequences and effects of my own actions. It’s my body, so Ichoosenot to drink alcohol or allow sugar in my diet.
I tend to drink socially with my friends after school, and after working in the studio, and I feel that the Acohol just hits me faster than it does anyone else. I asked my neurologst about it and he said that, I should take my time, one sip at a time. I think I should mention that I have cerebellar ataxia of unknown types. I think it makes the tremor more difficult to work with, but I don't feel my balance is any more affected than it is normally at 11ish at night. also , my double ision is much more prominent than it is normally.
Smoking Cannabis to relieve my ataxia, was in my eyes a very good thing, but I asked my neurolgist and he said that he does not prescribe it unless it is for pain. So all in all, the only way to make use of this wonderful resource is illegally(In Canada, is where I am speaking of)
thought that could give some insight on that all natural drug
Michael Ward said:
Lorraie: Are you refering to Canabis when you mention smoke? I read that some forms of medical canabis help with neurological and movement disorders. However the Doctors that wrote the paper recommended that a vapourizer was used in place of smoking. They claimed there was a greater benefit from the vaporizer and a much safer deliver system than conbustion.
Sorry I know this is another topic.
Lorraine Lerner said:
i wouldn't drink. but if you have to just sip on a wine spritzer. don't finish the drink. i prefer to smoke and i checked out uses for and one reason is for neurological and movement disorders. maybe my doc isn't telling me something.
I feel really out on a limb using this Ataxia support site, I have had Ataxia since 18 months old probably caused by Measles, what other individual's are posting doesn't affect me to the full extent as some using this site, sure I have bad days but thats part of being human and the onset of old age! I have always found alcohol to stop my tremor and my fine movement is better, maybe its just me. however still really interesting to read.