Sporadic Episodes

Hi Bob,

I have simplified my narrative on EA. The full story is from an article in the Oxford Journal. This is not a hypothesis but fact as far as researchers know it. The cell type affected is the Purkinje cell. They even know which gene, if mutated, causes EA and the malfunctioning potassium channel. What they do not know is what specific purpose the Purkinje cell serves and how to test for the gene.

Addendum to my previous explanation.

I just realized that what I told about is true only for Episodic Ataxia Type 1. Most of the other EAs are due to a different gene and the calcium channel. I was not interested in remembering those, so I do not know the names and places, respectively.

Hi Bob,

You are getting some wonderful advice. I have found that some doctors when they are unable to diagnosis a patient pull out the stress diagnosis. I have gluten ataxia. It started when I was 60. I have all the symptoms that you have and many more. It took genetic testing to finally get a diagnosis. The standard gluten blood test is very inaccurate. I do know it scrambled my brain, and changed me forever. My sporadic ataxia would start off with the right side of my body being paralysed for about three days. Then slowly I would slowly get back my abilities. It's been 6 years of being gluten free, and I'm so much better. I haven't been paralyzed for 3years. I still have balance issues, nerve damage, fatigue and lack of ability to handle stress. Somethings get better and some things got worse. Finding the source for my ataxia gave me the knowlege to control it. Keep looking for your source. Ahbee

Hi everybody who read this thread. I have put some effort into explaining Episodic Ataxia and just want to know if everyone understands it. Please let me know if it needs more explanation.

I think you did a great job at explaining, Norbert ! You are a medical mumbo jumbo translator extraordinaire! Thank you! :slight_smile:

Welcome Bob!

I have CSA2 hereditary type. I do find that being tired affects my gait/balance. It seems that just about anything can cause ataxia. I agree that the "stress" cause is probably because they don't know. Ataxia is incurable, can occur at any age, progress at whatever rate it wants and just about anything can cause it. The following link might be of help:

http://fightataxia.org/ and then click on "Ataxia Classifications".

The only things that seem to help is exercise and diet. It sounds cliche but it seems to help according to other people's posts on here.