I wanted to take the time to thank everyone on this site . Unfortunately I can barely type anymore but I still read all the posts. I appreciate all the information and input on every topic. I am currently using the Speak and text function on my phone to right this message. But I now have a lot of trouble speaking so I hope it makes sense
All the best
Dave Hutchinson
Ontario Canada
I really feel deeply for you my friend. I can say without any thought that we here greatly appreciate all your previous posts and will always consider you to be a much appreciated member. If you can just read the posts for information then that’s just fine. One other thing, we’ll always have your back -please know that!
Thank you for your many helpful posts Dave, I’m thinking of you and wish you well. Best wishes ((hugs)) xB
That just sucks. I’ve only been diagnosed for a few months but I have greatly appreciated your posts. I hope one of us can step up and fill your shoes! You’ve given us a good example
Thanks for all your input Dave, sorry that thing’s have progressed to the stage where you can’t speak your peace and share you thought’s and information and friendship. Take Care of yourself xo