Trial in Adult Subjects With Spinocerebellar Ataxia

Trial in Adult Subjects With Spinocerebellar Ataxia

Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Company Ltd.
Cognitive Research Corporation
Cytel Inc.
Information provided by (Responsible Party):
Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Company Ltd.

Thanks for the info Alan, its more hope for a few of the ataxians. Hope you
keep well with all the work you put in for our benefit

Thank you for kind words

( many colleagues have started the “rare disease warrior”

plus #AlanEveryWhere

Hi Alan,

I came so close to being accepted at the University of Florida!!! But because of my “borderline” result (SCA-2 - 32/23 repeats) from the complete Ataxia Evaluation test I took twice, they said I didn’t qualify. I live in NJ and they were going to fly me down to Florida on there dime.

Many thanks, for the insight
Its great to see that you are willing to advance research into this life limiting rare disease
Although very stressful
it shows how this is such a complex issue.

even though Ataxia is a fairly small cohort (in the whole picture) the research seems to be more targeted.

Alan (Wales)

So sad that it is not available for brazilian patients :frowning: