Tub/Shower mat

Marie, here is a product that can be spread on tiles to make them non slippery. I realize you live in the UK and this is from Amazon USA, but they may have a different brand in England?
They also have something similar for tubs and showers…

Wearing Aqua shoes as Ginger suggested is a good idea too.
Good luck to you. Hang on to your grab bars :slight_smile:

Many thanks Cicina and Ginger.Will try out ideas.

Anything that makes showering safer is a good idea. I have SCA3 and one leg that is interesting.

There is no warning when the artificial leg is slipping, when you figure it out it is too late!

Hey Stumpy I'm new to the network, but you can buy a full size non slip tub mat at bed,Bath

Hey there Stumpy I'm new in the network and I use a full tub size non slip mat. I gotta it from Bed, Bath and beyond. It certainly works for me, doesn't move.

Max said:

Hey Stumpy I'm new to the network, but you can buy a full size non slip tub mat at bed,Bath

Hey there Stumpy I'm new in the network and I use a full tub size non slip mat. I gotta it from Bed, Bath and beyond. It certainly works for me, doesn't move.
