
Hi everyone I currently use ready readers and distance glasses for TV and driving. I’ve considered varifocals in the past but have always been put off because I think they’d make me loose what little balance I have.
How does everyone else feel about them?

Hi Martin🙂 Varifocals…are not a good idea for anybody coping with balance issues. I have personal experience, and saw a Webinair where a Neurologist recommended separate reading and distance glasses.
It doesn’t take much distraction to affect balance anyway…what we see plays a big part and a damaged Vestibular system copes badly with ‘fine tuning’ (Varifocal glasses).
I found they weren’t safe…I had problems with such as stairs. I also have Nystagmus so my vision is inclined to ‘bounce’.

But…a friend had Cataract surgery on both eyes before having ataxia diagnosed, one eye has a distance lens and the other a reading lens….and he maintains he copes well and it doesn’t affect his balance (he’s diagnosed with SCA6).

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Hi Beryl
Thanks for the reply, yes just as I thought. But it is nice to have your suspicions confirmed.
I’ll continue with the separate glasses, it’s not really a problem. My distance glasses have prism lenses to counter some slight double vision. So everything is good, thanks very much…

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Bonjour , j’ai des problemedv de vue depuis le diagnostic de l’ataxie sca 3 du style diplopie . D’après un ophtalmo spécialisé, il me conseille de ne pas porté des verres varilux car suivant ma maladie je serait encore + en déséquilibre , donc quand je conduisais j’utilîsais des prismes . Si cela peu vous aidez. Cordialement

Thank you for your reply, I totally agree with you about varifocals. I also have prism distance glasses for driving and watching TV etc…