Weekend Holiday?

Hello all!

I'm new here and looking for some advice on various topics. My boyfriend is actually the one who has some form of ataxia (he is undiagnosed at this point) so I'm trying to wrap my head around all of the peculiarities associated with this and how to manage things on a day-to-day basis.

Someone suggested that since we have both been having a rough time lately (we've both been dealing with our own separate issues) that we plan a vacation and something fun to do together this summer. Okay, that sounds good, but I'm not entirely sure what we can do. His ataxia is progressive and he has recently taken a turn for the worse since he kept getting ill and was unable to go to the gym (he lost more of his coordination and stability as a result and refuses to use any form of walking aid). We like the idea of going somewhere and doing something fun, but we're just kind of stumped as to what that can be.

Does anyone have any suggestions of relaxing things we could do? I don't want to highlight all of the things he can't do anymore and make him feel bad (he used to be very athletic and active). He needs activities that don't require him to move or stand too much and I need activities that don't involve crowds of people (social anxiety issues). I think we could only manage a weekend trip as well since we'll both be working over the summer and are both students (I'm finishing my B.S. next year and he's finishing his PhD).



Maybe going to beach, horseback riding, bicycles (there are recumbant bikes that aren't necessarily for people with disabilities). You might be able to work these out so there aren't crowds.

Thanks for the ideas, Kay. We've actually been talking about getting a recumbent tricycle for him when we move to a flatter area so we can cycle together. Does anyone have one? If so, how do you like it?

watch movies, tv, u could cook a meal

Thanks for the reply, Clumsyiam. We do that stuff together or for each other a lot. We were looking for something we could do to break out of the norm a bit. I'm actually thinking of trying to find a place for a spa day ( if I can find a good deal). Who wouldn't like a massage and a bit of pampering? Laid back for both of us and no stress to be too active. Supposedly AAA has some deals for the U.S. folks if anyone else is interested and on a budget.

Let's try to keep the ideas flowing so others can benefit too, especially so we can think of a variety of activities for varying levels of mobility. :)

Leowyn said:

Thanks for the ideas, Kay. We've actually been talking about getting a recumbent tricycle for him when we move to a flatter area so we can cycle together. Does anyone have one? If so, how do you like it?

Check in your area for a bike shop that rents them look for a Sun E-Z3 recumbent, I think you will like it. Also they make tandem recumbets for 2. There also might be an adaptive sports program in your area that may offer different programs.

Wow, great suggestion, Jack! The tandem recumbents look like a lot of fun! Thanks! I'm not sure if our area is big enough for finding those kind of rentals, but they're definitely something to look into or keep in mind. :)

Geocaching is fun too and in a lot of areas there are a fair number of "park and grabs" available that don't require going too far off the beaten path. They always list the terrain difficultly for each cache as well.