Wheelchair question

I’ve had lots of walking aids in my progressive Ataxia of 15 years but yesterday used a wheelchair for the first time. We temporarily traded my rolator for a wheelchair as we approached the Covid-19 vaccine site. Do other Ataxians use wheelchairs occasionally or is it a “once your in you don’t get out” thing?” My 1937 house can’t handle wheelchairs but I don’t need them or any walking aids to get around all levels. A wheelchair for the outside world is safe but I don’t want it screwing-up my indoor “no aid” life .

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I don’t currently use a wheelchair but it’s something I bear in mind for the future. We’re about to move house into a bungalow, and it’s crossed my mind whether we’ve made enough provision to allow for wheelchair use inside the bungalow.
A friend advised against carpet so we’ve chosen mainly hard flooring, but it’s width of doorways that we gave the the least attention to…
Currently I’m still walking unaided indoors but the need to use at least a walking stick is becoming more apparent.

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I have had a new power chair for a year but have the same fears as you so rarely use it. I struggle using the joy stick controls so have it as a chair in front of my dressing table and practice using it in bedroom and hallway. I thought my arms wouldnt be strong enough for self powered chair. When lockdown ends we will get out more with my chair but I stay on my feet as much as poss … I talk to my legs . lift my knee and heel forward, x

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I don’t have a wheelchair yet, and do quite well unaided most of the times indoors. But I have been considering a power scooter or wheelchair for outside motoring just for my safety. Had a bad fall outside last May. Would not use it inside. I want to use my legs and exercise them. So using it outside only would be a good idea for your safety.

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Ah the wheel chair progression… personally I am stubborn and use telescoping walking sticks. That said, one bad fall (and resulting injury) and my stubbornness will look and be quite stupid. I have had the use of a rollator on my mind for while… particularly for inside the house as I think (hope) it would fit through doorways quite well. This issue raises a lot of fear/denial within me so you have my great admiration that you face this transition realistically.

Hi Beryl, I already live in a bungalow and for a while I used my rollator especially at nightime when the light is fading or artificial. Eventually I bought a walking trolley and find that it is more user friendly in the house. The frame is narrower than a rollator plus there are two handy shelves for carrying stuff around on and of course the rollator seat is not needed as there are plenty of places to sit when inside. My bungalow is carpeted throughout and there is no problem pushing a lightweight trolley around. During the day I manage in the house with a couple of trecking sticks, outside I use a rollator with larger than average wheels and I find this an advantage on our less than level village roads… Hope you enjoy your bungalow living…



:slightly_smiling_face: Thankyou for the helpful tip re an indoor rollator…

@phall - I’m very wary of old houses. Mine is like yours, complete with a useless cellar, useless chimney narrow stairs, and narrow everything. If you can’t get a wheelchair in and your ataxia is progressive, perhaps you should consider the future and move. I want to move because I’m getting that way too.

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I think I am good here. It was just needing to leave a very rural San Francisco district and my new digital life and go to a virus vaccination site just a few miles away, but in megalopolis. Cars and streetcars, one
minute walk lights and it takes me 2 minutes to cross. You just have little room for error if you live with Ataxia. In this instance, a wheelchair was so welcome. I intend to spend my life here. This house is flawed but perfect, like me. No more houses in my future. If assisted living becomes necessary there
are rural places near Big Sur area that I love. To all who responded to my initial wheelchair question, thanks for your quality advice.

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I sometimes use a wheelchair if there’s a lot of walking. Usually, I just use a walker. Use what you have. Be strong!

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Have had ataxia for almost 25 years. Wore leg braces using a rollator for about 15 years. But this January my legs were so weak and painful bought a power chair. I can stand if I have the chair to lean against - little balance. If you still walk, do it inside.

:thinking: Do you need the powerchair indoors…or do you use a different aid…