Constipation - Ataxia or not?

Pease keep us updated if you decide to try Chas.
I have tried a few of the herbal compounds independently found in the ingredients of this product. I’m curious if they maybe work better or differently in combination or in different formulations.
Currently I try to maintain my bowels using Senokot & RestoraLax. I find I still have to monitor and be very cautious about foods I ingest.
Generally I’ve found that foods going in easily are better coming out! For example: Shakes, Fruits, most veggies, etc. Bleh, bleh, bleh!
I sure miss a Big Mac sometimes!


“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” That’s the thing that’s holding me back. Right now things are mostly working but some days it’s not as easy as others. That’s why I’m always looking for something better. It’s been my experience with stuff that has worked well for awhile that it loses that effectiveness after some time and it’s time to find something new and different.

I guess my question to you would be how did those independent compounds work for you? There doesn’t appear to be anything detrimental in the stuff above so I might just bite the bullet and get a bottle. After all, when it comes to your health, can you spend enough money if you can afford it?

I know that the most important thing when trying to fight constipation is to drink a lot of water - at least 8 glasses of water each day. That’s during the day and not at one time. Coffee and soda [except seltzer] are not water. Also, drink even though you’re not thirsty.

Also, what’s good, is to eat pears that you might find in a can. Sauerkraut is also good. As to the pears, just remember that there is sugar also in the can, so be aware of that. Too much of something or for a long time is not good also. So if you’re under a gastro docs care and he told you to take those OTC products then it’s OK. Otherwise your body might become dependent upon them.

Just my opinion.

EDIT: Just ordered one bottle. Will post my results. Fingers crossed. :pensive:

I don’t suspect this product is very expensive.
I tried most of the herbal compounds listed in the product ingredients. I didn’t notice a significant difference.
Although, the main issue I have is muscles of my bowel don’t work like they should. Unfortunately giving way to problems that may not be helped much by herbs, minerals, and such.
If the drops work, and they aren’t too outrageously priced, I’d be willing to give them a go (no pun intended)!

Yes, that’s it. Like I said, fingers crossed.

Saw this today on EBAY. A day late but if it works…

EDIT: Was able to cancel yesterday’s order and re-ordered from EBAY.
EDIT2: This listing expired but do a name search at EBAY if you’re interested.

Here’s another listing:

Using it for two days now - working well. I’ll keep reporting.

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I remember mother used to give us codliver oil and malt so I try to keep up the oil intake. I like salads with lots of balsamic vinegar and oil dressing. It would be nice to be regular but lifestyle is rarely constant so there are bound to be changes.
Apple, orange, fruit tinned in fruit juice, exercise, fluids [fennel tea] all help but then there’s the overactive bladder to contend with. I can go for hours without passing water when I am out but as soon as I get home, I cant wait. Must be something to do with messages I guess. I dont tell doctor as I dont want tests or medication… just coping at the moment.

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I get this problem about once a month. Like u I drink 2 large glasses of water with psyllium (jumbo canister from Costco) when there is a problem. Usually “normal” by next day.

Patsy, when I had my daughter’s cat for the day, he had 2 meals but kept his legs crossed until he got home, and then made straight for his own litter tray :joy: My Mother gave me Liquid Paraffin :nauseated_face: xB

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we were told to wait till we get home so that cant have helped!

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When I was potty training my daughter, I tried not to ignore any request for the toilet. We were once in Marks & Spencer and an assistant showed us to the nearest loo. It was the cleaners sluice room, Joanne to one look at it and froze. The shock must have held things up, she waited until we got to a Ladies Powder-room :joy: xB

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what is so really annoying, not to mention inconvenient is not being able to wait that last 30 seconds to be seated!!! especially during the night… I really dont want to be ‘examined’ or take drugs so I just keep cleaning materials to hand. I have found myself ‘mopping’ a floor round disabled loo with cheap loo roll before standing so trousers dont get wet so that’s main reason to wait till I get home. Hey ho… what fun… easier to stay indoors eh?

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So true :roll_eyes: One minute you’re confident things are going according to plan, but a few seconds later…disaster :woman_facepalming: I feel sure many people would empathise :neutral_face: xB


being constipated of course makes it worse and sitting long makes that worse ha!
Not sitting exhausts you … yes, I am sure everyone empathises and that is a comfort.


Doesn’t seem to be working as well as the ad said. Whoever wrote that SPAM for this product did a good job but the product receives a thumbs down for me. Don’t bother! :rage:

EDIT: You might find this interesting to read but ALWAYS check with your doctor:

I have a constipation problem. I’ve had it for years and never suspected it might be related to Ataxia. My doctor has called it a twisted gut. I’ve no reason to disbelieve that but did the ataxia create a twisted gut or is it a separate issue? :confused:

Can’t say your doc’s wrong but “twisted gut?” Just shows you how much an unfamiliar doc knows about Ataxia.

The ‘doctor’ who found this twist was only doing a bowel test. She couldn’t get her camera through the twist. She inferred that it was not unusual to find a twist so I had no reason to think it was ataxia. What I’m wondering now is if anybody else has this constipation-ataxia problem described as a twisted gut. I’ve had other issues with my gut (including constipation, diarrhoea and severe pain) and my regular doctor thought it was Irritable Bowel Syndrome but was open to the possibility it was ataxia related. Someone mentioned an over-active bladder which I thought was a weakened pelvic muscle caused by an ataxia gait.

Have to say that all constipation is not Ataxia caused. It’s just that Ataxia affects the muscles. Usually not directly but nevertheless. Sorry to hear of your difficulties. Hope that it gets better.