Iain just do what makes you feel best.
I'm guilty of badgering you.
Very Very Sorry!
Truly I was only sharing what is working for me.
You say there is no clear evidence which can be detrimental to a persons metal well being.
However the only reason I shared my views was because of the success I have experienced from my own personal quest to survive against conventional wisdom.
I never intended to make you feel worse!
Most of us on this site suffer from this dreaded illness. (Cerebellar Ataxia).
Some of us who have had some success's become zealous and feel inspired to help others that may benefit.
On my part there is no ill intention.
For years I struggled trying to find out what in the world is wrong with me?
Why do I walk funny?
Why do I always get stomach cramps after eating?
Why do I slur like a drunk in the afternoons after eating?
Why do I not have the energy I once had?
Why do I have trouble sleeping? ( I woke up at 2AM and can't fall back to sleep)
Why do I get depressed and have anxiety?
When I was finally diagnosed that I had a shrinking Cerebellum causing me to have ATAXIA I was floored!
I kept a cane handy at all times. I was very depressed.
I would snap at people wondering why they showed no compassion?
So I was at a lost thinking about what to do since there is no cure in my case as to this date!
On the site www.americanataxianetworking.ning.com and this site as well:
I read some chatter about being Gluten Free and the various things people would do to combat ATAXIA and keep it at bay. At first I was very reluctant to this non sense. However when I read and researched the numerous testimonies I gave it it shot despite my disbelief. (What did I have to lose?)
Diagnosed Nov 2010
Saw some family videos of myself and was shock at how bad I slurred my speech (just after Christmas)
Beginning of March 2011 I was at a Conference and would stagger each time I got out of my chair.
I was taking all kinds of medications to go to sleep then something to keep me alert during the day.
Trying to regulate myself so I could keep going.
When I returned home I was just plain worn out!
I was pissed off at my fate. (Sorry I don't know a better word to describe how I felt at the time.)
So my search began to find a way for me to deal with this ATAXIA Challenge.
I was very reluctant at first so I order a stack of books on the subject on a GF Diet by various authors.
Many were backed up by various Doctors at some of the top Universities here in the USA.
Finally I began my self experimentation.
The first step was what can I eat?
I really do love Bread, Pasta, Flour Tortillas, Croutons and especially Pizza.
At first is was a bummer to be honest.
However when my stomach cramps went away and I went the whole day speaking clearer I though to myself wow this is weird?
From there I started to play with PROBIOTICS on a daily routine. (I only took them before for travel)
My digestion became more regular.
Since this initial time of diet change I have added COQ10 (Bio-available Source), B-Complex (Liquid Form) and a few other things.
Plus I quit all junk food, Processed food and Fast Food.
It took a lot of work to learn how to eat correctly.
Diet alone was not enough.
However good diet helps if you want to CORE train.
I hired a personal trainer and worked on making my CORE stronger.
It was kind of expensive so after I learned the techniques I now train on my own.
This helped me to manage my GAIT.
To make a long story short after one year of my GF Diet I returned to my yearly conference.
No sleep meds, No stay away meds. Went all natural!
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday made it through the week and even survived air travel.
I can say that after one year of a life style change I'm dealing with my ATAXIA better.
OK Lain I still have ATAXIA. (I just deal better with it!)
However I'm so much better today that I was a year ago or even 3 years ago.
Having said all this one day I may be slammed on my ass? (I am humbled.)
Until then I will do whatever I can to keep going.
I too am stubborn as you.
Mentally I struggle and it's not easy as you know dealing with ATAXIA.
These special diets do not help everyone however some of us do benefit.
Lain in your case just do what you think is the best way to manage. (It doesn't matter what anybody say's if it makes you uncomfortable!)
Mental Health is so important and if my comments cause you to stress out or be detrimental to your health then I have done a disservice too you and I'm deeply sorry.
I just want to do the best I can with what I have been dealt just as you.
I guess my faith in Doctors is not as strong as yours?
When we went on a surf trip to El Salvador many years ago with 5 doctors I realize how much about health they really did not know? All 5 of them were sick as dogs puking up there guts while the surf was amazing. All the surfers (health nuts) who took PROBIOTICS went surfing and did not get sick the whole trip. The Doctors went home without sun tans. When a Doctor is out of shape and has a poor diet I don't think I will take his advice.
For me to trust a Doctor concerning health he better be in much better shape than myself.
You posted Slow Digestion and this turned into another food debate.
Let me say one thing:
PROBIOTICS will help your digestion.
I have traveled all over EUROPE and LATIN AMERICA and I would be sick without them.
Of course we are all different.
These types of self experiments will not kill you however they may make you feel better!
Lain we are all going to be around for quite a while so hopefully we can support and help one other.
Who knows maybe in the next 10 years cures will be available?
Kind regards,