My Dr. advises against me drivivg on highway. I get somewhere (with planning). Do they have carts? Look for a stray one in parkIng lot. Everything takes so much energy.
I find if I am standing I could not drive at all but when I am sitting my head is clear and with glasses on, sunglasses or FL-41 glasses I am good to go. So far anyway.
cathyfl54 said:
My Dr. advises against me drivivg on highway. I get somewhere (with planning). Do they have carts? Look for a stray one in parkIng lot. Everything takes so much energy.
Driving is out of the question for me. Last time I drove, I made it in to the store. Fell when I returned to the car. Once in my legs were not cooperating to manage the petals. After sitting in the car a while I began my journey home. I was stopped by a local policeman for impeding traffic, I was going to slow. I was not aware of this. I explained my predicament and ask him to help me get home safely. He did and he did not ticket me. I told him, even though he did not elicit the response, that I intended never to drive again. That happened over 5 years ago. I turned in my drivers license for a state ID card.
I miss the freedom but honestly for me I wouldn't want to cause an accident that harmed others. That same day in the store I took out a store display.
I had been driving since well before my 16th birthday -- drove cars, motorcycles, heavy equipment and traveled these United States in a 40ft diesel pusher motorhome towing a vehicle and at times a 28ft cargo trailer with tow vehicle inside.
It is a personal decision one that each must make based on thoughtful assessment of the limits placed on us by Ataxia.
I can't drive as I have cross eyes and can't see straight. In our country - UK - we have strange laws. If you are handicapped in some way such as cross-eyes or blind, you are automatically banned for life from driving. Meanwhile if you have drunk too much alcohol and kill someone in a car crash, you are banned - just for a few months or years.What bothers me though is that the government say they are worried about pollution, traffic congestion, CO2 in the atmosphere, lack of parking space and overuse of petrol etc etc but they don't see the obvious solution that a drunk driver should be banned for life - just as I am. That would be a solution to their problems.
Banning a drunk driver in the states means he drives without his license for the rest of his life. They keep driving, I think they need to crush their cars no matter who it belongs to.