Hi with my ataxia I’ve received no support I had to push for help. I’ve been waiting over ten months for a assessment with atos. Has anyone experienced problems with atos and bwp.?
I hear Atos are being replaced soon as they are so bad. I have had a bad experience but finally got my PIP.
Hang in there. Go to your GP. I asked to be examined and prove I needed to see a neuro consultant. I was pretty easy to diagnose. Hope it works out for you. Keep on at the DWP
Best wishes Lisa
I am 58 with SCA7. I had no issues with either DWP or ATOS. I used my local councils Welfare Rights Services to do my DLA . As for ATOS once I had explained that I had a Progressive Neurodegenerative Disorder I did not even have to attend an assessment…
Thanks I read about other people having hard time with atos I’ve phoned so many times and told wait.
get in touch with your local council social worker.. my husband is the sufferer in our family and it was like bashing my head against a brick wall as far as support went until I got them involved
I contacted my social worker all she done is give me the job center number. I even tried c.a.b .like you I feel like what the hell going on .if I were a animal in distress I get help.the stress they cause when all we want is help.
agreed. animals have more rights than we do.. it seems. Hang in there, keep plugging away and, don't quit until you get satisfaction, it took me a year and a half to get anywhere and a shite load of debt so I couldn't pay my rent, then it got their attention :(( the system is so very bad at prevention, but was very good once they recognized I needed help.
You and your husband didn’t need that grief especially for that amount of time. They think people will give up fighting in time. And go away. One elderly lady said to me at Sainsburys go to France speak a different language come back to England and you get seen to.made me giggle she must be eighty or so.I will try the council on Monday. Thank you for helping me.
your welcome, not that i've been much help LOL ah well if I could hug you and that 80 year old lady I would :D
Its nice to talk to someone who understands so many people haven’t herd of ataxia .It gets frustrating trying to explain it .these days I dream of hugs.lol.
Hi.......I was sent for a medical twice now with ATOS for my ESA......the first time in Jan 2010.....got 6 points awarded then.
Appealed and won after a 10 month wait......24 points awarded then.
Had money stopped in April 2012......wanted to get into support group because I cant and never will work again.....had a medical with ATOS in the Aug 2013 and they only awarded me 21 points(how does that work?)
Appealed and finally had it last month....thought it would be plain sailing...failed it and not only just failed it but they took ALL 21 points off me.
Told them at the tribunal that I can use computer but type slowly and concentrate on each letter......their verdict was that I could get a job as a data in putter.
Went to see a group to ask for verdict to be set aside....had letter yesterday virtually saying the judge is standing by his people.
All this despite the DWP having a copy of a letter from my consultant in Oxford saying I'm not fit for work.
I have learnt my lesson the hard way.....they ALL seem geared up to stop you getting any money from them.
And the Courts and Tribunal service is meant to be impartial!!!!!!