I’m probably gonna step on a few toes here so I apologize in advance. I know there is an Ataxia thread on Facebook but I’ve never really trusted FB and that’s why I appreciate sites like this [secure] which is ONLY Ataxia related where I can voice my feelings and share ideas. Current FB problems only serve to prove my feelings. BTW, this is not the first time that FB has faced problems. FB says that all information shared is safe but it continually is proven not to be.
My Facebook profile is set to private, and the majority of support groups I’m a member of, are closed groups. Did you know that anyone, anywhere, can read our posts on here xB
I said something derogotary about drump and got kicked off in about 1 minute.
I have no problem with FB. I do what I can to stay secure but, if we worried about everything, we wouldnt cross the road for fear of getting run over.
I respect your opinion but it doesnt bother me,
I am not intimidated by Facebook at all. I know they are mining my information, however, in my opinion if someone can make use of my info, if someone wants to be me, then great! lol! If someone decides to steel my identity, I do hope they pay some of my bills! (I know that’s not how it works) I do try to keep private things private and such. I know someone is watching because I get ads for no reason on my wall for some stem cell research company. I suspect because I subscribed to a couple of ataxia sites. I try not to post my private things on there. For safety of my friends information, I try not to visit any unknown sites or click on links I don’t trust. I try to not express my political views or support. But it is truly amazing what some folks can get out of little information. My advice is be careful! Someone is always watching!
Really? LOL
I’m not bothered by Facebook either. Sure, I’m leaving a huge digital footprint, but I don’t mind. I have no secrets. The advantages of FaceBook are for instance, that you can relocate lost friends and family. I love that! It is possible to not leave a digital footprint, but than you shouldn’t post on here either…