Need your feedback

ave a website and would appreciate if you guys could leave some feedback on anyone of my blogs

Why is this so important. In answering your blogs, don't we lose some privacy? BTW, I checked out your blog page and I liked them all. Be w ell. Ataxia is hard/weird because there are so many uknowns and so much conflicting info. It sounds like you might be a candidate for the balance vest. Look into that for some relief.

Thabj you Neta. the site is for anyone that visits as I wish to utilize it as a platform to create education and show people what I go through and whats going on in my life fighting SCA7. My blogs are ways I can share my story with everyone but I am nothing without help from you guys.

Neta, I have 2 blogs which I haven't added to in forever--maybe in the new year. Anyway there is something to me that encourages a lot just to know that someone has seen what you wrote whether they comment or not. Seems to make a difference. In fact I am in charge of updating our congregration's page in Facebook and the fact that most members are not on Facebook seems to make me think it is not worthwhile and not update it like I should--again, a new start for the new year.

neta said:

Why is this so important. In answering your blogs, don't we lose some privacy? BTW, I checked out your blog page and I liked them all. Be w ell. Ataxia is hard/weird because there are so many uknowns and so much conflicting info. It sounds like you might be a candidate for the balance vest. Look into that for some relief.