Famous celebrities with Ataxia

Hey, I have Ataxia and Psoriatic Arthritis too

Youā€™re so kind, but no need to apologize!


Seriously! Are you a member of our kick-butt Psoriatic Arthritis community? Livingwithataxia is a really nice group, but the people on the PsA community never . shut . up! Youā€™ve never heard such a lot of noise on one site. :hear_no_evil: ROFL!

If youā€™re not, I think you should sign up.

Selma Blair has MSā€¦but no known celebrity with Ataxia (that I am aware of).

It sound great (said with heavy sarcasm) . I donā€™t need negativity in my life, I feel god with this nice group.

good not godā€¦

Why not go lurk on livingwithpsoriaticarthritis.org and see: itā€™s quite a good and upbeat group! We actually have some good laughs together. (Iā€™m one of the members, this is my Benā€™s Friends ā€œhomeā€ community.)
