"Grain Brain" by Dr Perlmutter

I am reading the book "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter.

I can highly recommend it. He makes a great case for the neurological problems coming from eating gluten. Not just for those with Celiac Disease, but any sensitivity to gluten. He gives solid science and a plan of action including blood testing to have done, a diet, and supplements to take.

If you are still wondering why you're not getting better and have never considered gluten as the problem, this is the book for you.

It is available as a "Kindle" book as well as a real book. Read it. :-) Then pass it on to someone.

Thanks Julie. When my brain fog clears a bit and I can remember things, I will get hold of a copy of it.

You're funny Poppy!

I forgot to mention, Dr Perlmutter is a neurologist. Might be a good resource to give to your doctors. He has research materials available on his website too.


Dr. Tom O’Bryan of theDr.com has gathered 29 of the world’s experts and opinion leaders on the topics of gluten-related disorders, nutrition and healthy living for a series of online interviews taking place for FREE from November 11-17, 2013

see http://forum.livingwithataxia.org/forum/topics/the-world-s-first-gluten-summit-could-change-your-life?xg_source=activity


This book really is for everyone here. It's about how our brains are seriously affected by what we eat.