thank Beryl, v ery informative.hope staying well.
Indoors week 3, hope you are ok
I am 4 weeks in and loving it.exercise. walk on courtyard…stay safe. fab neighbours.
Thank you Beryl! I like to cook in big quantity and freeze several portions for the days when I do not feel like cooking or am too tired…
Here, 3 weeks of indoors, but I am able and allowed to walk every morning. Treadmill in the afternoon and once a week exercise on Facetime ( like Skype) with my trainer. A lot of fun. I threatened him to “click him off” if he worked me too hard​:wink:.
Hope you are all well. Stay safe!
Hi Cicina We’re lucky to be able to freeze too, it’s been very handy. And we have a nice southwest garden so we can enjoy fresh air without crowding others. My treadmill is in storage due to our housemove, but I still have a smaller stepper here. Almost 4wks at home now, but we need to stay safe