Hello. My mom has hereditary ataxia. She is one of 10 children. Of the 10 children, 4 had Ataxia-my mom, 2 uncles and one aunt-who are now deceased. My mom was born in Ireland. From what we have figured out, it was my grandmother who had ataxia. It has taken me about 15 years of many, many doctor appointments to find out the information I have now. I understand that it is directly passed. I understand that out the 4 siblings and 12 cousins I have in the direct line of hereditary of this ataxia-at least 30% of us will also be diagnosed with it. We have gone through extensive genetic testing at the University of Chicago and the type of ataxia in my family line has never been identified. We do not have a type. It was referred to both the Mayo clinic and to a research facility in Germany and we still have no answers as to a type. It has been very hard to have something that up to tho point-seems to have no exact diagnosis. We know it is Ataxia but no genetic type for my family has been identified.
My mom is almost 70 years old and is now declining pretty rapidly. She is extremely depressed. She can no longer drive and needs to use a walker all the time. She has a very good diet and limits things like carbs and sugar. She has taken so many medications that its too much for me to list. She had cervical cancer 10 years ago and underwent treatment which caused some damage to her stomach so taking medications is very hard on her. Some meds make her very sick and she has to stop taking them.
I know I am reaching for anything, I know you are all suffering through these terrible effects also. I guess I am just looking for any alternatives that anyone has used that has helped you with the walking or the "fuzzy" head feeling my mom seems to suffer from. My family will be plagued by this for many generations and I am just hoping for any information. It makes me very sad for my family.
Her doctor is Dr. Gomez at the University of Chicago-Ataxia Center. We live on the south side of Chicago. And most of my family is here-and the rest in Ireland.
Thank you for any help. I can't put into words how much I appreciate it.