Hi there! I'm new here. My mom was diagnosed with Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia in 1996 at the Mayo Clinic (after years of misdiagnoses in Canada). She has been living in a nursing home for over a decade (she turned 60 in the home) and as we head into further degeneration I am curious to hear if others have experienced some of the symptoms I am noticing in my mother. Unfortunately she does not have a doctor or specialist who is an expert in Ataxia so I am turning to this community.
Loudness of Voice - Over the past few year my mom's speech has gotten louder. She used to be able to whisper if she was reminded to speak softly but now I watch her peers in the nursing home chastise her for her loudness and it appears that she is unable to control her volume. Has anyone experienced this?
Cognition - Over the past few years it has become clear that my mom's cognition has worsened. I was unaware that this was a symptom of Ataxia. I recently pushed the nursing home to do testing as my mother's family has a history of Alzheimer's. Her memory for names is good but she has difficulty going into the past and most recently I have noticed that she has difficulty formulating thoughts into sentences. She had a CT scan a few months ago that came back negative/blood work with no signs of Dementia and we are going to see a neurologist next month. Any comments are welcome.
Thanks so much and happy holidays!