New Research Shows the Region of the Brain Used for Balance, Movement Also Involved in Processing Traumatic Memories

New Research Shows the Region of the Brain Used for Balance, Movement Also Involved in Processing Traumatic Memories

Groundbreaking research at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Thomas Jefferson University reveals how the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) substantially alters the brain’s response to traumatic memories, and reveals the potential importance of the cerebellum in regulating the brain and body’s response to traumatic stress.

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This needs shouting from the rooftops, many people with Ataxia have found this traumatic. I am receiving treatment for PTSD with Eye movement Desensitation Reprocessing, the traumatic event of being diagnosed with Ataxia was one of the traumatic events I have suffered… My treatment may well help two illnesses with one stone. Something hopeful. Peter Ashbourne England

:smirk: I wouldn’t mind betting many people have discovered this for themselves. My first session of chemo had to be halted because the infusion escaped from a vein and into my arm muscle. It was a major trauma, involving a plastic surgeon, 3 sessions of antidote, and cessation of treatment until a line could be put in.

I already had ataxia, this experience certainly didn’t help.