My SCA is getting exponentially worse. Does anyone have any knowledge of sleep and how it effects our ataxia? Should I sleep as much as I am able?
My SCA is getting exponentially worse. Does anyone have any knowledge of sleep and how it effects our ataxia? Should I sleep as much as I am able?
1 3/4 years ago i had a time where i was in bed 12 hrs per day, and almost sleeping in this time. This was not satisfying for me, because the other half of the day was too short for me, i wanted to be more active, and so i climbed over the frontier which my body and mind had set (= sleeping so long) and tried to overcome this. This could have been a fault in my case, because i got exhausted after some days of increased activity and less sleep. Maybe my body wanted to organize for me the necessary time of rest, and i ignored that. I neve could come back to this "much sleeping" time. After its cessation my ataxia came out/worsened. But sleep might play a complete different role for others, and its role might differ from time to time in the same person.
Dear Tiffinay, have you got the impression that your sleep, if long and good enough would affect your ataxia positively?
(To answer your question: i would try to do that for some days and then look at the results for your ataxia/wellbeing. )