
LOL. I am not as mystical as u and despite the awful calamity in the sky this past week, I still believe in aviation. But thanks for the good cheer. N

Elle Strik said:

Hello there Neta

Only 4 hours away you say, yes..but the mind travels even faster..I was with you right there when I read your comment:):)

neta said:

Hey Elle

I am in Jerusalem just 4 hours away. I agree with you.

Elle Strik said:

Hello Heidy

No..NOT lazy. Same story here..I can sleep 12 sometimes 14 hours in a row. Apparently the body needs this. And when getting up, washed and dressed, downstairs..exhausted already by this small effort. Then a pot of green tea and after about an hour I am my own self again:) We are doubly energy drained: by the body and by the brain at the SAME time. Every step we take, we have to think about how. Nothing automatically anymore. SO it is exhausting. Take care, hugs from Holland, Elle.

heidy said:

Thank u! :-)

TinaD said:
Hi I have so much trouble sleeping. I fall right to sleep from total exhaustion when I get to bed, Three hours later I am up because my bladder can no longer go longer than that. When I go back to bed the muscle twitching starts, and I can't fall back to sleep. Then my brain just won't shut off can't stop thinking and I'm up... Then feel exhausted all day and the cycle continues...need to be able to take a nap when I'm tired but I am still working and can't.
My Dad also has SCA3 and is sleeping about 10 hours then a 2 hour nap during the day.
Heidy if we were lazy there's no way we could get through living one typical day with Ataxia. Hang in there and sleep when you need it for as long as you need it. Sleep gives your muscles a chance to recover and face the battle again.
I'm the same

i always need more sleep than most people, got a 8-10 hour average.

I have the opposite problem. I wake up after a couple hours of sleep, go to the bathroom & cannot fall asleep for 3 or more hours. Cannot take Melatonin as it brings on severe nocturnal leg cramps. Having severe sensory neuropathy complicates matters even more.

That is one of the first symtoms I noticed this year, I was sleeping later then normal. I am a person who could get up at 4am to work out, I notice in July it was getting harder to wake that early and I was so tired.

I am the exact same! I need at least 9 hours of sleep each night, but more likely 10 to function. If I don't get at least 9 all of my symptoms are worse the next day. If I get less than 8 I'm basically a drunk person. If I get 11 or 12, I feel my best the next day. I think it's partly just having a chronic illness, but also specifically ataxia things are much more difficult for us, so we use more energy doing things that "normal" people can do without expending a lot of energy.

Have you heard of the spoon theory? It's a wonderful example of this:

"Heidy" posted her comment/question back in March. It is now November . Sleep. Well, it works this way, by my experience: I sleep like a rock in the night and awake and this ataxia issue feels like a bad dream. Then the reality hits.

I do feel tired during the day and need a rest or a nap. Whether this is ataxia, dunno. I assume it is. Also, strenuous exercise does make me tired. So I dont do it if I have to do something else. That is my experience with sleep.