I called the social security place yesterday and the person I talked to did not know what they were talking about. I am going to get my paperwork together and go down there and sit all day, if necessary, looks like that is the only way to get any information and help.
Mmm, keep your cool, think serene thoughts and you'll have one up one them! xB
Have you used this website? It says on there they can distribute you personal information to others. Just wanted to know if you used it and it was ok?
Thanks a lot. I just have so...much stress at the moment it is getting overwhelming and I feel like I am sinking.
If your in the US print this out and bring it in to them. Depending on who your worker you get at the time they may not know about this believe it or not. This really works! :0) https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/poms.nsf/lnx/0423022500
This is a process. Don't take it personally. The folks who work in these places have had all kinds of people trying to rip off the government. I agree that having your doctors onboard and IN WRITING is essential. Make an appointment with the forms for them to sign. Don't just drop off at their desk. You want the doctor to remember you face to face. Keep the appointment to the facts and no emotional stuff (they hate that).
1. Apply (online worked for me)
2. Wait for acceptance or rejection (likely to be rejection as almost everyone gets "NO" the first time around)
3. Get a lawyer who will charge 20-25% of the back $ from the day you applied to the day you get acceptance. No money up front. And no future SS payments.
4. Do what the lawyer says
5. Wait for acceptance letter.
Social Security have a Compassion Allowance condition list and ataxia is on it, I received benefits on the first try. Also I applied before I was official diagnosed and I explained to the worker of my upcoming apt. With Neurologist and they contacted the doctor themselves. Get the representative name and telephone # to keep for your record, or if you need to contact them again.
Are you pursuing disability? It took me quite awhile but you CAN do it yourself! (my wife was also involved).