Any suggestions ? i'm looking for an online web site that can
Im looking for an online web site that can help with my speech...
any suggestions?
Any suggestions ? i'm looking for an online web site that can
Im looking for an online web site that can help with my speech...
any suggestions?
I'm not familiar with any website that would do that. I would ask your doctor for a speech pathologist referral. They are your best bet.
Take care!
Thanks Julie , my dr did assign me a speech therapist but I’m to lazy to go its all the way out in Orange County I live in LA
I contacted the people at this website to see if what they offer is suitable for my hubby with cerebellar ataxia and slurred speech. So far they have not got back to me as their medical team were being consulted but might be worth you looking into.
I am just starting to see lately that I have a jumbled speech, and have to think before I talk. I call it "Word Salad".. Keep your head up,,,One day at a time, and independence on your life! Take Care!
Jenny, do you have any sort of therapy? For a long time I thought my speech was not affected except maybe when I was very tired. Hubby told me I didn't sound slurred but sometime I feel like my tongue is tangled. It seems to be getting worse and lately seems like my volume is lower. What can we do to keep what we have?
Jenny said:
I am just starting to see lately that I have a jumbled speech, and have to think before I talk. I call it "Word Salad".. Keep your head up,,,One day at a time, and independence on your life! Take Care!
No such thing
You guys need to stay positive and surround your self with poitive people… No, I will not let it get the better of me! Just keep plugging away
I’m still looking for an online web sight, anyone?
Really? i will keep looking
Jonas Cepkauskas said:
No such thing
I linked you to one. See my other reply.
displaymom said:
I'm still looking for an online web sight, anyone?
i checked it out...very cool, thanks...
It seems as if it is not up and running, though it is what I am looking for.
I did sent a note so hopefully they will contact me....
close to success,thanks....
…and then, you will be speaking with a very distinguished British accent Cool !
Haha ,very cool being that I’m not even British !!! Lol
smile...........we British have an accent? ;-)
Cicina said:
....and then, you will be speaking with a very distinguished British accent :-) Cool !
Yes, I think so and here in the States we love it!!!
I am French, was raised in France, but have been living in the States for 43 years and I still have a very French accent according to everybody I talk to.
My husband and children do not hear it anymore and always have a "why do you ask " look when someone says to them "where is your wife/ Mom from ? "
Whatever accent you have, display mom, good luck to you with your speech.
Thanks ! Californian accent , haha
LOL Cicina!!! Hi Diplaymom, I agree with Julie a speech pathologist or therapist could help you, although you said you were too lazy to make the trip to see the one your doctor referred you to. My speech is very slurred (I sound like I'm two sheets to the wind most times, although I'm a confirmed tea-totaler...,ha!). Anyway, I do see a speech and she's really helped me. Besides my speech, she's helped with swallowing, as often-times I cough when drinking or eating and have also choked...,not fun! My best to you...,;o)
Quite often I notice what I think and mean to say is not necessarily what comes out of
my mouth, and I feel misunderstood, at worst I fear I may have unintentionally caused
I don't project my voice, and my husband has tinnitus, it leads to constant misunderstandings
and quite a few laughs!