ADA question

Does anyone know whether ADA covers Cerebellum Ataxia? Thank you.

Here’s a site that might be helpful: Job Accommodation Network. JD

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I looked at the EEOC web site. They are the organization of the US government that is responsible for ADA enforcement. They indicated that it covers any person with a disability which they define as having a mental or physical impairment that substantially affects your function. Those are my words, not theirs. The specific disability is not discussed. It sounds to me, who is not a lawyer, that it should apply to anyone whose CA is disabling. I suggest checking out the web site yourself.

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Yes it does. I retired early on social security disability due to SCA and learned in the process of getting this approved that the social security administration has a special category for conditions that need to be automatically rushed through once you prove you have it–SCA is on this list. If you want more info feel free to send me a message. Happy to share what I learned.

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yes i am very interested-I am considering ssdi and would love to hear more…I’m new to this site and don’t know what you mean by message you. Thanks.

I was warned that ssdi applications often get rejected the first time, so persistence pays off. Also, you have nothing to lose with an application. If the application is rejected then accepted, benefits are retroactive. I do not get ssdi since I was going to school and did not have sufficient work credit to get it, so I am not the voice of experience here.

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When applying to SS disability it is better to stop all meds so you do not appear less disabled than you are, so go in your worst state and not your best or they say no. If you are in bad shape and cannot make the appt. they can come to your home and see how disabled you are. Or you can get an attorney and they can help. Jerry

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