Back and knee problems

Hi, you’re not alone . I am actually having total knee replacement Wednesday June 13th:(

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Good luck on Wednesday. Walking with ataxia is hard but painful knees make it agony.

:smirk: Aches and pains seem to go with the territory, if you know what I mean. It’s always a bonus if somebody finds something new that works, so keep us posted :wink: I was beginning to wonder if I had escaped but they have caught up eventually, I couldn’t run fast enough :wink: Being Idiopathic I’m never really sure what’ll hit next, although I have had a brush with most recognised symptoms of ataxia. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I sit far much too, another ‘perk’ of the condition. If only I could feel so great on my feet :joy: Usually my reviews are yearly at the same place, but this year I’ve been referred elsewhere, and the appointment isn’t until August. I wait with bated breath :wink: xB

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:blush: Good luck with your operation :+1: A friend’s husband had both knees done, he’s doing great :blush: xB

@Shoaib I take muscle relaxers sometimes too, for general ataxia-related muscle pain and because the Imitrex I take for migraines also cause muscle pain. I often find that the muscle relaxers wipe out what control I had over my movement and I’m back on the couch or in bed for the day. Does this ever happen to you?

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Hi Marjorie, I take Tizanidine (muscle relaxant) at night before going to bed. It helps me with my sleep also. I take it in the day time, only if I am taking a long walk or working in the yard. To answer your question, yes it makes me very sleepy and my legs feel like noodle, if I take it in the day time and not doing any physical work. The medication takes about 30-60 minutes to work in the system.

sent you private message.

Hi, before I even knew I had SCA3, I suffered severe lower back problems. It got to the point where I was in constant pain and when I could no longer stand or walk more than a few steps, I finally gave into having spinal surgery. I thought that would take care of all the problems I’d been having. How very little did I know! The doctor who did my genetic testing said that ataxia symptoms display as back problems; which will lead the patient to seek treatment for that. Which is exactly what I did. Thinking that you may have a rare genetic disease is not the first thing that comes to mind.

Thinking more about it, back problems makes sense when paired with ataxia. Most likely I was having mild symptoms of ataxia and didn’t know it. To compensate, I most likely altered my posture, gait, and stance. Ultimately all that did was make everything worse.

Today I have to use a walker (rollator) every day; and am cognizant that it tends to make one hunched over, so I must constantly correct my posture and adjust my gait.

The back and knee problems could be a result of your body compensating for other things. Physical therapy can help alleviate and adjust for these things. Occupational therapy can help teach one alternative and safe ways to do routine/daily activities.


thank you. I think this happened to me years ago but like you I had no idea. i still have back pain. ill tell my dr when i see him.

Last week, I had an EMGMU test. At the time, I was having stomach pain (possibly IBS). The test involved sending small amounts of electric current to nerves. Afterwards I realised my mind had been diverted, and I was no longer focused on stomach pain :hushed: I know that Tens machines can work on the same principle, and pulses can be adjusted. Tens machines are readily available online, and some can be hired :slightly_smiling_face: xB

I get lower back pain. Gets worse by hunching over my walker. I stretch my hamstrings often, and try to keep my core/stomach strong, which helps alleviate the pain.

:thinking: Would you feel able to use an upright walker. See :slightly_smiling_face:xB

Thanks for info, looks great. Having a hasd time with my current walker. My legs shake too much. Been using a wheelchair lately. Might be an option :slight_smile:

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