
I am currently studying and I sleep often even after having a good nap. I want to know if it is safe to take coffee and at what limit will also want to know if there are any side effects involved

I drink one cup every morning, it actually makes me feel better ( very light milk and 0.5 t sugar) never fake creamer or fake sugar

There are side effects - to my understanding, caffeine can have a similar high and quick crash as sugar. Something that I’ve found to have a longer/sustaining energy is coq10, Vitamin B, or non-strenuous exercise or stretching.

I love coffee- proper coffee that is, not filtered. Trouble is the caffein seems to give me (even more) restless legs in bed. I have to restrict myself to one cup every few days. The social aspect makes it worthwhile though, since I can no longer drink alcohol....

Someone told my husband which has ataxia that the 5 hour energy drink may be good for him....he hasn't used this but has checked what is in it and it contains B vitamins and caffiene which is the equivalent to 1 cup of coffee. I'll let you know if he feels it helps.


When I was working I had 6 cups of coffee a day and I become deficient in magnesium because to much coffee depletes magnesium and magnesium enzymes are cofactor with many vitamins and non vitamins. I would take 350 mg magnesium

and B complex instead. Another way is take a multivitamin that has B complex in it plus other vitamins and minerals.

Two cups before noon. No later. I make mine quite weak. Start with one cup. I use Stevia to sweeten and coconut milk creamer. Tasty.

No coffee for me. I was a wreck! I loooooovvvveeeee coffee!!! Can’t even have decaf now. My ataxia is sensory.

Caffeine increases tremor with *everyone*, not just ataxians.

Beware of this fact and enjoy coffee if you can.

Sure. How so?

d side effects n more of d high n quick crash effects

Glitter on Butterflies said:

Sure. How so?

I drink as much coffee as I like in morning n decaf in afternoon sometimes. Can’t say it makes me worse but everyone is different. I am going to try to cut back anyway.
Don’t smoke r drink alcohol so I want my coffee

Although I drink 1-2 cups in the morning, I’m pretty much a crank-wod if I don’t. If I drink coffee past 5 pm (seems to be my time - although I usually drink it the morning anyway), I have issues sleeping.

There are plenty of downsides if you overdo the caffeine. Some include:

-dehydration: especially if you’re not drinking water along with coffee or whatever type of caffeine you’re ingesting
-may interact with your medications.

You might want to check with a medical professional on possible drug interactions, etc.

I’m by no means an expert on caffeine, but I’ve read some things about it. Here are some links on caffeine - I try to stick with info like this from Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, or Web MD:

Some would say to avoid caffeine all together; and if you’re Gluten-intolerant, you might check more ino that option.


Glitter on Butterflies said:

Although I drink 1-2 cups in the morning, I'm pretty much a crank-wod if I don't. If I drink coffee past 5 pm (seems to be my time - although I usually drink it the morning anyway), I have issues sleeping.

There are plenty of downsides if you overdo the caffeine. Some include:

-dehydration: especially if you're not drinking water along with coffee or whatever type of caffeine you're ingesting
-may interact with your medications.

You might want to check with a medical professional on possible drug interactions, etc.

I'm by no means an expert on caffeine, but I've read some things about it. Here are some links on caffeine - I try to stick with info like this from Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, or Web MD:

Some would say to avoid caffeine all together; and if you're Gluten-intolerant, you might check more ino that option.

My understanding is if you react to yeast, which I do and makes my ataxia much worse, coffee should be taken in moderation, if at all, bc it can increase yeast levels. If I am otherwise minding my p's and q's, not using sugars, vinegars, cinnamon, limiting fruits to non-tropical, e.g., low sugar content, I can manage a few cups of coffee a day, but if I'm not minding those other things, coffee will send my levels through the roof and start my room to spinning, me to teetering, in short time. Know your sensitivities and be mindful that yeast, not coffee in particular per se, might be one that affects you. - Took me a long time to figure that one out and I was totally incapacitated before I did. If I were totally savvy, I probably wouldn't be drinking it at all. I have a friend who like me, has Gluten Ataxia. He doesn't have Celiac Disease, as I do. His was caused by head trauma, but he nonetheless reacts to all grains and yeast, just as I do, which is interesting because he didn't prior to his accident. He sticks to a totally yeast free/grain free diet and it is what enabled him to begin functioning, again, too.