I think I’ll be more confident with a cane in some situations. Can you please give me suggestions as to what to buy for us ataxians?
Honestly, I don’t feel very confident using a cane. I don’t feel that it helps with my balance. Plus I look at it like a crutch.
When I “walk” I find it better to shuffle my steps but that’s me. To answer your question regarding getting a cane, I got mine through the Veteran’s Administration. Sorry I can’t help more!
I hear you and feel similar!
Do you prefer a walker instead where you absolutely need a support??
Actually I do. I hate anything that is a “crutch “ but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
You’re tough! I wish to be like you!
I’ve had this stupid Illness for over 55 years now. I hate it because it really got in the way of my plans for my future. But it is what it is!
I’ve decided that I would make my life the best that I could. I was given excellent advice early on. There are two ways to look at this illness. Either you can let it overwhelm you or you can continuously try to overwhelm it. I chose the latter.
Pushing myself out of comfort zone is not easy!
It might not be easy BUT it’s the right thing to do!
Absolutely agree on that!
I want to follow your physical exercise protocol if you do not mind. Can I please ask you some more questions. I want to stay as fit as possible to avoid the ravages of ataxia.
Of course!! I just messaged you.
I use a walking stick with a Flexi Foot attachment… It helps ease vibration caused by the tip of the stick hitting the ground.
Need to get the cane properly fitted.
That is the correct length for your arm and height.
Flexi stoppers can be dangerous as they keep bending.
Use a solid rubber tip
May as well have really cool one as well. These guys make some of the most beautiful in the world. Made to length in one piece with no shock rebound. Cheap cans give shock rebound and harshness. Don’t get mute piece screw together they are terrible.
Best of luck
Hi I’m not really a fan of canes either, but I do have a walker in the boot of the car if needed. I’m ok with a shopping trolley/cart.
Exercise is the main benefit to me, plank/core exercises x3 minutes (which really help) calf raises x50, squats x100, rowing machine for cardiovascular health x 30 minutes in a vigorous fashion. I do these every morning. The leg strengthing has really helped, in the past rather than being able to stop falling after loosing balance, now I can easily “catch” myself.
I’m 54 and have suffered with ataxia since 36.
Remember just to strengthen where you can, it can really help.
Wishing you luck for the future.
Bonjour Parna,
Je pense qu’il faut s’adapter à la situation, je m’appelle Valérie et j’ai 55ans atteinte depuis 2006 d’une ataxie SCA 3 . Au début je travaillait donc ça allait puis en 2016 soit 10 après je me suis servie d.une canne puis es 2018 j’ai utilisé un déambulateur.actuellement je suis toujours en déambulateur et j’ai un fauteuil roulant pour les balade avec ma famille et quand je suis trop fatiguée . A l’heure d’aujourd’hui j’envisage une assistance électrique pour plus d’autonomie.
Bien sûr les transitions ne se font pas sans douleur mais mais sont évidentes car certaines chutes sont plus violentes que d’autres…
Cela ne m’empêche pas de faire des exercices à mon niveau . J’utilise un tricycle lorsque le temps le permet sinon j’ai un vélo d’appartement , je fait par Visio des cours de renforcement musculaire avec handisport 3 x/ semaine et 1x an je vais dans un centre de rééducation. Tout ceci demande beaucoup d’énergie mais est nécessaire pour garder le plus longtemps possible son capital maintien…Mais chaque pathologie est différente et chacun s’adapte à la situation du moment.
Bon courage et prenez soin de vous.
From Google Translate which does a really good job overall
I think you have to adapt to the situation, my name is Valérie and I am 55 years old, suffering from SCA 3 ataxia since 2006. At the beginning I was working so it was fine then in 2016 that is 10 after I used a cane then in 2018 I used a walker. Currently I am still on a walker and I have a wheelchair for walks with my family and when I’m too tired. Today I am considering electric assistance for more autonomy.
@Valdu12 while we are an international community, English is still the primary language used here.
@Valdu12 bien que nous soyons une communauté internationale, l’anglais est toujours la langue principale utilisée ici.
Sharon from ModSupport
I first came to forums for advice and started with a cane about 20 years ago. It gives confidence and people dont bump into you. However neurophysio advise posture is better with two canes. I had these but when they were not working for me, I bought a rollator from ebay.
Using a rollator enables you to look around more and carry things.
I hope this helps. Stay safe and don’t forget to smile, Patsy x
Thanks a lot for your responses. I am currently using the cane that my husband got after his knee surgery; I guess I am trying to stay away from prop. I am also a big believer in exercise and body strengthening. Anyway thanks a lot everybody and let’s give this ataxia a hard time!!
Just so you know, a workout includes cardio and strength training. Just do as much as you can - But safely and don’t overdo! Especially too fast. You have to work up.