"Dent" in my quad.?

Does anyone else have a dent in the middle of their thigh like me? I'd really like to know what it is. I'm going out on a limb and saying muscular atrophy.? It doesn't hurt. It's just so weird.

God Bless!


I do have dents in my thighs, upper arm and in my forehead. I was diagnosed C.A. initially but now I am labelled as Progressive Muscular Atrophy. With exercises the dents are improving but they remain a great deal.

I don’t have it, but I saw a dent on my friend’s thigh who has Lupus.

Hello Tiffany,

Here is a quote from Dr Tom Clouse’s website. This doctor has Ataxia and gives advice around the world to Ataxia patients: "A simple fact is that our condition, Spinocerebellar Atrophy (SCA), does not cause muscle wasting like some lower motor neuron disorders can. Our muscle wasting is mainly due to lack of use."
This quote was taken from a chapter on his website: http://walkingwithataxia.com/BASIC%20CONCEPTS.htm

Read it please, it is full of good advice. Some members of this forum have been to his exercise class and can vouch for this.
Muscles do atrophy if they are not used. If you ever had or know someone who had a broken arm or a broken leg, you may have noticed that after the cast was removed, the muscles seemed to have “melted away” due to not being used for a long time. It is the same for a limb that is not used or not used the proper way.

Hope this helps. Check with a neuro PT what kind of exercise you could do to fill up your dent :-).
Best wishes to you.

Thank you for the effort you've gone to here for me. I will read this link. I enjoyed meeting Dr. Tom and respect him very much! You see, I am currently using these muscles more so than before. I finally started using a personal trainer. She has me doing leg weights. I guess I have noticed the dent since we have been working together. My thought is that since my muscles are growing in bulk (for lack of a better word), the dent is more noticeable. So strange.

Thanks again,

Cicina said:

Hello Tiffany,

Here is a quote from Dr Tom Clouse's website. This doctor has Ataxia and gives advice around the world to Ataxia patients: "A simple fact is that our condition, Spinocerebellar Atrophy (SCA), does not cause muscle wasting like some lower motor neuron disorders can. Our muscle wasting is mainly due to lack of use."
This quote was taken from a chapter on his website: http://walkingwithataxia.com/BASIC%20CONCEPTS.htm

Read it please, it is full of good advice. Some members of this forum have been to his exercise class and can vouch for this.
Muscles do atrophy if they are not used. If you ever had or know someone who had a broken arm or a broken leg, you may have noticed that after the cast was removed, the muscles seemed to have "melted away" due to not being used for a long time. It is the same for a limb that is not used or not used the proper way.

Hope this helps. Check with a neuro PT what kind of exercise you could do to fill up your dent :-).
Best wishes to you.

Interesting. Thank you.
Sp said:

I don't have it, but I saw a dent on my friend's thigh who has Lupus.

Is that in addition to your main condition? Like for some peripheral neuropathy is a symptom of SCA? How long have yoou had them? Do they ever hurt? They just make me feel like an alien.

Nan said:

I do have dents in my thighs, upper arm and in my forehead. I was diagnosed C.A. initially but now I am labelled as Progressive Muscular Atrophy. With exercises the dents are improving but they remain a great deal.

I too have a dent in the quad on my left leg just above the knee. I suffer from Celiac Disease and Gluten Ataxia. I had had fairly painful tendinitis in that area for several years during which the muscle slowly disappeared in the one area leaving a very obvious dent; but the tendinitis pain has happily subsided since I went on a gluten free diet. I believe that it is some type of muscle wasting related to my Ataxia. I have seen others suggest that your problem is related to lack of use; but it just doesn't make sense if all of the atrophy is in one part of the quad. I am no doctor but muscle atrophy usually affects the entire muscle or group of muscles.

Mine is on my left leg also. I just noticed another not so obvious dent on my calf (which I haven't thought about much- I figured it was from drinking too little water). I tried a gluten free diet. Once for a few months, once for a few weeks. Both times I felt 'Less Lubricated" like the Tin Man, I guess. I go to my nuerologist soon. Have an appt. Hopefully she'll have an opinion too.

Thank you for your thoughts.