Emotional control deteriorating

:slightly_smiling_face: I’ve just read a post where someone referred to their ‘emotional control deteriorating’…
This happened to me at a stage I went through with my ataxia. I’d find myself becoming tearful at the slightest thing, and I was quick to respond with sharp remarks.
Ataxia in general definitely can play a part in causing our emotions to go haywire, and this can be difficult to control. Neurologists accept this can be another symptom to cope with, and quite often recommend trying an anti depressant short term to see if it gives relief. This happened to me, and looking back it was a good decision to try medication.


Beryl I want to second your suggestion and add to it. I was depressed at first but didn’t get medication—only because I didn’t recognize the depression. At other times in my life I have dealt with depression with medication AND counseling. The two go together and most doctors don’t recognize how important counseling is—that’s because they are not psychiatrists. Otherwise they would get it and recommend both. They really go hand in hand. Medication alone may be cutting the odds of recovery in more than half.

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Yes have been having the same problem for at least 15 of my 25 years with my sporadic Ataxia. First I did try several anti depressants and found my body is VERY sensitive to meds. Also had counseling which really did help. But for the last 5 or 6 years, I had not only phone anxiety but just anxiety when I speak to others. Now taking anti anxiety meds but need something else…but what. Do not want to lock myself away. Any suggestions?


:thinking: I wasn’t referred for counselling, but I joined a local women’s self help group…it was talking therapy, and it was helpful.
Now, I haven’t taken meds for several years, and I think initially the best thing I did for myself was reaching out to various Ataxia Support Groups. In my case it helped me shift the focus from myself…although ataxia is never far from my mind, symptoms being what they are.
For some people, ongoing counselling may be the best way to deal with emotional control, medication may just mask the problem…it very much depends on the individual.
My speech can vary…I do sometimes worry when I have to have a phone conversation because the pitch of my voice obviously varies. My husband often tells me to ‘tone it down’…but to me the pitch sounds normal. So…it’s either that, or I deliberately shout. But then on the other hand I sometimes feel ignored when I speak…as though either I imagined saying something, or I whispered :no_mouth:
Sometimes, my thoughts seem to run ahead of my ability to get words out…this can be embarrassing when speech is jumbled…I must remember to slow down :slightly_smiling_face:


It could easily been my post (if I ever did any posts : ) ). I choke up at abandoned kitty videos on YouTube and get impatient very quickly. Depressed in the morning as I realize that the ataxia can’t just be swept away with a good night’s rest (duh). Didn’t think my life would ever become like this but I try to be thankful for all the things I have had the opportunity to do in life. Realize that I will have to reinvent myself as I can no longer camp, kayak, travel, garden, fuse glass, move grass or maintain two houses. Sewing? Carving? Can’t draw worth shit… particularly now that my coordination has deteriorated.

I started taking Lexapro (10 mg) because I was so weepy. It has worked wonders! I would love to do counseling, but I can’t talk audibly. Sad…

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:slightly_smiling_face: It’s good to know you’ve been able to get some relief. Not everybody can manage to get to counselling, for various reasons, but we are always available here to listen and discuss :slightly_smiling_face:

that’s interesting Beryl … my google speaker often does not recognise my voice… sometimes it thinks I am Ken and sometimes just does not recognise me xx

:joy: I can’t comment on your google speaker Patsy, although I can see your point. What I really meant was…sometimes it’s easier to communicate via a post.

yes I take your point, x