Thanks for the link but I don't agree with half of it like # 5
5. Don’t get hooked into believing you always have to “think positively.”
It is suggesting you don’t need to deny times when you feel depressed or scared or hopeless.
Hello Stephen. I just read the article and really enjoyed it! Thank you for sharing it!
My favorite one is #12. Helping others really makes me feel good!
Yes, I enjoyed reading this.. my favourite point is that it is okay to be a walking contradiction.
I am always feeling I want to go out but also want to stay in!! I rely on my husband to sort me out most of the time.
Dont let yesterday use up too much of today, is a good one too.
Thank you for sharing this Stephen Cox.
Hi Patsy, my favourite is the walking contradiction as well. How true this is. I just wish others could understand, specially family.
Take care,
Good article. I like the part about living a happy-sad life and that it's okay.
"Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield referred to life as “happy-sad.” Those words resonated strongly with me. I can be happy and sad at the same time—for example, sad that I’m sick, but happy that I’m able to connect with others online who understand what this life is like."
I like that, happy-sad.
greytdogz said:
Good article. I like the part about living a happy-sad life and that it’s okay.
“Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield referred to life as “happy-sad.” Those words resonated strongly with me. I can be happy and sad at the same time—for example, sad that I’m sick, but happy that I’m able to connect with others online who understand what this life is like.”
Very interested!
Many thanks Stephen, personally I loved it!
I couldn’t find anything I disagreed with, and I’m picky. :-)xB
Hey Beryl,
Glad you loved it. I hope it was helpful.
Beryl and all, I have always been a walking contradiction, which many in my life saw as being unpredictable. Thar frightenes other because most think you are not trustworthy. I am learning to harness my contradictions by working with my shadow archetypes (Carl Jung), and journaling with them. People who are not connected with their inner lives are afraid an looking for security outside themselves. Thank you so much for this post and article.
Hi Judita,
So true. Not only not trustworthy but messed up. The judgement of others who don’t understand is hard to deal with, for me at least. Recently one of my close family members told my wife I was faking my disease. That put a wrinkle in the relationship.
Can you share your website? I would like to look into your background more.
Hi Judita,
I don’t have a website. I am a volunteer for Bens Friends. I have joined some of our sites at the request of the network manager, so I pop in once in awhile to post some things that have helped me and hopefully help others.
it's amazing how out of touch some people are. I am sorry that happened to you. A teacher of mine once said, "People are like kangaroos, you never know where they will jump next." If we are unpredictable to ourselves, it's obvious we will be to some others who don't know what illness means on a personal level. There's a soul lesson here.
Very true.
A person told me today, that when she was fighting her rare illness that someone told her, " you will be fine once you get married and have kids".
Stephen Cox said:
Hi Judita,
I don't have a website. I am a volunteer for Bens Friends. I have joined some of our sites at the request of the network manager, so I pop in once in awhile to post some things that have helped me and hopefully help others. :)
So, how can i access your writing? I subscribe to Psychology Today and would like to read your past articles. If you are still writing for them, I will look for your articles in the future.
Oh Judita, I didn’t write these, just posted them. Sorry if you thought that. My background is marketing. I am a student of Psychology, not an Author nor expert. I have been in the medical system since I was z16, I am 58 next month. I would never have coped if it wasn’t for learning about the mind. I learn new things all the time from people like you. It’s nice to have met you. You seem very thoughtful.