Hi everyone!

hi friends!!!
I am new in this group.I am Sudipta Rudra from west bengal, India.I am 31+ yrs old male. I was diagnosed with SCA 2 in the year 2013. I have no family history of ataxia.I can not run or jump.I did not walk in a straight line.I walked like a drunker.As the day progress, my speech is not clear,it’s difficult to understand.It is impossible for me to go upstairs & downstairs without help.

Hi welcome🙂 Log onto www.ataxia.org for essential information about ataxia.

Many of us share very similar challenging symptoms but there can be a wide variation in severity and progression.

There is now a contact in India for Ataxia Support🙂 Log onto www.ataxia.org and click SUPPORT GROUPS. Click INTERNATIONAL and type in INDIA.

:slightly_smiling_face: xB