Looking for employment

Hello everyone!
I am living with Ataxia, and some days are definitely better than others.

Anyways, I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice or leads on a job?

I am not able to stand during my entire workday. I can probably only stand for a few minutes without having to sit down again.

I have been applying for jobs at a fast food restaurant, and it hasn’t been going all that great.

I am on disability, and I am going to start looking at our budget very closely and try to follow it. I am going to see if I really need to work or not?

I really like having something to do during the day, having structure, and making a difference!

I am possibly open to doing a work from home job.

Please let me know any and all of your thoughts on this.

Thank you, and God bless you!

Take a look here: Finding Work

Best of luck!

Have a look at www.everyjobforme.com (disabled employment jobs). Put in your zip code and see what’s on offer in various categories :slightly_smiling_face: xB

There are plenty of customer service jobs that are sit down. Look for call center work and market research work. ANYTHING is better than fast food.


I used to do outside sales, but now barely can walk (on good days). I am looking at inside sales jobs out of my home. indeed.com, and dice.com are good sites. Best of luck.